In Process Explorer list on Vista,
some processes are marked as "Jobs".
What does it mean
and what is difference to normal processes ?
if I launch from quick launch bar
my favourite newsreader Gravity, it is marked as Job ( by color )
If I launch ThunderBird as email client - it is not marked so.
I have found this, but I am not wise reading that.
Mentioned Gravity has no other process listed in mentioned Job tab,
and no jom limits are there.
Highlight Jobs: on Windows 2000 and higher choose this option to have
Process Explorer show processes that are part of a Win32 Job in the Job
object highlight color. Jobs group processes together so that they can
be managed as a single item and are used by the Runas command, for
example. Use the Job tab of the process properties dialog to see the
list of processes running in the same job as the selected process and
to see job limits that have been applied to the job.
In Process Explorer list on Vista,
some processes are marked as "Jobs".
What does it mean
and what is difference to normal processes ?
if I launch from quick launch bar
my favourite newsreader Gravity, it is marked as Job ( by color )
If I launch ThunderBird as email client - it is not marked so.
I have found this, but I am not wise reading that.
Mentioned Gravity has no other process listed in mentioned Job tab,
and no jom limits are there.
Highlight Jobs: on Windows 2000 and higher choose this option to have
Process Explorer show processes that are part of a Win32 Job in the Job
object highlight color. Jobs group processes together so that they can
be managed as a single item and are used by the Runas command, for
example. Use the Job tab of the process properties dialog to see the
list of processes running in the same job as the selected process and
to see job limits that have been applied to the job.