Process Communication?

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Dear all

Does anyone know how to make two process communication? I want to call a functon from the other process, it's a excution file. I think in .NET Framework must have the easy way to do this
Have a look into the System.Runtime.Remoting namespace. Easiest way is to
write up a configuration file for your client program and one for your
service/server program. Call
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration.Configure({filename}) to
configure both ends, and you are away.

This is obviously a rather simplistic exaplanation but it will get you
looking in the right place.

- Paul Glavich

Yoda said:
Dear all:

Does anyone know how to make two process communication? I want to call a
functon from the other process, it's a excution file. I think in .NET
Framework must have the easy way to do this.
I'm interested in that, if there is the way like COM. In VB we can call the method by create a object, if it is exe or dll file. I think this is the easy way if you want to make process comunication it same machin.