Probs with creating multiple pivot charts from pivot table

  • Thread starter Thread starter Retreatgal
  • Start date Start date


Every new pivot chart report I create from a particular pivot table
refreshes all the previous charts (which are on separate worksheets) to
contain the same data. This is driving me nuts.

I have created a pivot table on a new worksheet. Then using the
information provided in the pivot table I created four different pivot chart
reports (3D Pie) which looked great at first glance.

BUT then I realised that everytime I ticked a different option on my drop
down pivot field button it would change ALL of the other charts as well.

Eg. From the pivot table I created a chart after selecting azaleas from the
drop down pivot field button in the pivot table.sold. Then I did a did the
same for ferns sold and then natives etc. EVERY TIME I make a new selection
from the pivot table (or the pivot field button in the chart sheet) it
updates all the other charts to be the same.

How do I stop this from happening? I want each chart to have different
information in it. Can I lock a chart or sheet or is there something I can
turn off?

Can anyone help? RG
RG -

You can make a copy of the sheet with the pivot table for each chart you
want to make, or make copies of the pivot table in the same sheet (put
them far enough apart so changes won't cause them to overlap. Then each
chart has an independent table as its source, and changing one won't
hose the others.

- Jon

You should check out Tableau: The Visual Spreadsheet. I work for
Tableau so mind the bias, but in this case I can't help but relate to
your frustration. We designed a product that connects directly to
those Excel tables and gives you a direct visual window into the data.
The product has none of these filtering/replication frustrations you

Christian Chabot
Tableau Software