Problems with Windows Start Up



Recenlty I have been having problems loading Windows

Somtimes it will show the NTFS is missing or corrupt error. (This occurs the
Sometimes it will hang on the black screen just before the Windows logo
Sometimes it reboots itself several times
Sometimes it will load fine

I have followed the instructions in knowledge base articles 887675 which
didn't fix the problem and I have also replaced the ntfs file but it didn't
fixed the problem either

These errors started when I installed Net Framework 1.1 after sp2 had
already been installed on my computer. I removed SP2 and it fixed the problem
for a little while, then it started to happening again so I removed Net
Framework 1.1. This improved things again but the errors have suddenly
started to occur again.

So what should I do next, is it time to reformat my hard drive and start over?

Version; Windows XP home with SP1. Also Norton Antivirus installed with
lastest updates no viruses detected

Any assistance would be appreciated


Hi there,

there is a service pack for .net on the Microsoft site, give that a
try???? As a rule of thumb, if I can, I re-install the operating system
with the latest service pack streamlined or slipstreamed in the installation



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