Today, D. Spencer Hines made these interesting comments ...
Yes, I decided to do precisely that about three weeks ago --
or at least until SP1 -- preferably SP2.
What GOOD Things does Vista do for you that XP Pro SP2 could
Can you come up with TEN of those?
'Nuff Said.
Spence, I dunno if I can think of a specific number of reasons
NOT to go to Vista right now, but I can think of only ONE reason
TO go to Vista - if I needed to buy a PC right now and could not
find one that I wanted without buying it. e.g., I want to buy an
OEM like Dell, Compaq, etc. and the ones in the store that fit my
price point or performance have already required Vista, OR I WANT
to buy a hotter PC and I believe - rightly or wrongly - that it
doesn't make any sense to use a legacy O/S.
Now, some folk who just go down to their local CompUSA, Circuit
City or Best Buy will buy whatever the sales droid tell them they
should, and they will likely hear the droid talking about all the
usual reasons to buy a new MS O/S, principly more robust, more
secure, more modern, more user features, etc. That isn't
necessarily bad for Mr.and Mrs. Newbie.
And, folks like me, MIGHT want to get a really hot PC built from
parts AND get a modern O/S to take advantage of anything the new
motherboard and video HW makers can throw at me. So, I think I
have only ONE reason to buy, but that just ain't enough right now
because as best I can tell, my key apps aren't ready yet and it
is dicey to expect that my still running but quite old HP 1220C
will have a driver nor my old but still running MicroTek
Scanmaker 4, but they might.
So, as this thread and one running on a Vista NG where I am
losing ground to the "surge", I COULD go now, in 6 months, or a
year. Think I'll opt for a year and give them who like to lead
with their chin a chance to be first. As you've seen me say, "if
it ain't broke, don't try to fix it" and "never give Murphy an
even break", both of which I would violate if I buy now.
Have a good Hump Day!