I've got a rather strange problem, that our USB Dongle (Security
Device) does not get detected properly under XPE SP1. When i boot up
the PC, the dongle turns out to be:
- 30%: Detected but with an exclamation mark (-> not working)
- 30%: Detected but not working (cannot communicate properly with the
- 30%: Detected and WORKING
- 10%: Unknown device
These status switches randomly just be rebooting the PC (hard and
The cool thing is that it works with our SP2 image. Since we have not
enough time for Q/C with SP2 i am pretty stuck on solving this issue
for SP1. I have also tried to copy the binaries from SP2 to SP1 which
basically works, but does not fix my problem.
Does anybody have any glimpse or guidance for solving this issue.
best regards
Günther Seiringer
Research Manager - funworld AG
I've got a rather strange problem, that our USB Dongle (Security
Device) does not get detected properly under XPE SP1. When i boot up
the PC, the dongle turns out to be:
- 30%: Detected but with an exclamation mark (-> not working)
- 30%: Detected but not working (cannot communicate properly with the
- 30%: Detected and WORKING
- 10%: Unknown device
These status switches randomly just be rebooting the PC (hard and
The cool thing is that it works with our SP2 image. Since we have not
enough time for Q/C with SP2 i am pretty stuck on solving this issue
for SP1. I have also tried to copy the binaries from SP2 to SP1 which
basically works, but does not fix my problem.
Does anybody have any glimpse or guidance for solving this issue.
best regards
Günther Seiringer
Research Manager - funworld AG