Problems with UNICODE Characters for superscript 4,5,6,7,8,9

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alonso
  • Start date Start date



We have an application that has its own character map. Everything is working
fine until yesterday. We got a new requirement which was to add superscript
numbers from 0-9. Numbers 1,2,3 are display correctly.

The issue is the 0, 4-9. With those characters I got the square on my Rich
Text Box.

The funny thing is, if I copy/paste one of them from Windows Character Map,
after that all character will work using our character map.

The way I'm passing the characters from our C.M to the Rich Text Box is the

Clipboard.SetText(CType(sender, UIButton).Text, TextDataFormat.UnicodeText)


Me.m_CurrentRTB.Text =

Does anyone had this issue before?

Thanks for the help

Hi Alonso,

Only 1, 2 and 3 are more commonly supported in most fonts as they are used
indicating squared, cubed numbers (not sure what 1 is used for). When you
paste these characters you are most likely adding font information so for
these characters the fonts are changed. Try setting the Font used by the
RichTextBox to the same font you found in the character map containing the
other superscript numbers.