Problems with software after reinstalling XP



Please help....after reloading Windows XP I have not been
able to launch many of my programs. I tried reinstalling
them, but nothing happens. I was able to use the repair
function on my word processor, and that now works. I see
them in the program files folder when I browse the hard
drive, but not on the start menu. Any ideas?


Create shortcuts for them and put them in the start menu. C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\*shortcut*


Forgive my techno challenge...but if double-clicking on
the executable file for the application does not cause it
to run, how will the shortcut work any better? When I
double click the program icon, it does appear to start,
but only for a millisecond then, nothing.
Thanks for your feedback, but still need more help.

Alex Nichol

Laurellite said:
Please help....after reloading Windows XP I have not been
able to launch many of my programs. I tried reinstalling
them, but nothing happens. I was able to use the repair
function on my word processor, and that now works. I see
them in the program files folder when I browse the hard
drive, but not on the start menu.

When you say 'reloaded', how did you do it? This sounds as if you
booted the CD and then did a New Install over the top of the old one,
thus clearing out the registry of all references to your installed
programs. And some program installs don't like running if they find the
program files already there. Really the best solution now is to make
sure of your backup of data files, then do it again. This time boot the
XP CD direct. Enter Setup, and after the license agreement take New
Install. When it asks you to confirm where, hit ESC; select and delete
the current partition and make a new RAW one to be formatted at the next

The important point is the delete. Without that it will just go ahead
and make a new install over the top of the old one -as it seems happened
last time

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