Andreas Wicht
I am using PowerPoint XP on a laptop (1 GHz, 500MB RAM).
The ppt-files I am currently using have originally been generated with
PPT 2000.
For a presentation I use a second "monitor" (i.e. beamer) to display
the slides while I am using the laptop monitor to look at the standard
I select slides on the left side to have a slide preview available for
me while I am speaking. I encouter some problems in the presentation
In presentation mode
- sometimes PPT crashes during a presentation
- sometimes the laptop display freezes; the beamer shows the next
slide on klick, but the laptop display does not advance.
- sometimes, beamer and slide display are sychronized but the slide
preview only shows icons (the first few slides in the preview bar are
usually ok) or has a very bad resolution. Hence, the slide preview
doesn't work.
Even with the same ppt-file none of these failures is reproducible in
the sense that the same failure happens every time I start the
Could anyone tell me how to solve these problems?
I am using PowerPoint XP on a laptop (1 GHz, 500MB RAM).
The ppt-files I am currently using have originally been generated with
PPT 2000.
For a presentation I use a second "monitor" (i.e. beamer) to display
the slides while I am using the laptop monitor to look at the standard
I select slides on the left side to have a slide preview available for
me while I am speaking. I encouter some problems in the presentation
In presentation mode
- sometimes PPT crashes during a presentation
- sometimes the laptop display freezes; the beamer shows the next
slide on klick, but the laptop display does not advance.
- sometimes, beamer and slide display are sychronized but the slide
preview only shows icons (the first few slides in the preview bar are
usually ok) or has a very bad resolution. Hence, the slide preview
doesn't work.
Even with the same ppt-file none of these failures is reproducible in
the sense that the same failure happens every time I start the
Could anyone tell me how to solve these problems?