problems with slide preview with PPT-XP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andreas Wicht
  • Start date Start date

Andreas Wicht


I am using PowerPoint XP on a laptop (1 GHz, 500MB RAM).
The ppt-files I am currently using have originally been generated with
PPT 2000.
For a presentation I use a second "monitor" (i.e. beamer) to display
the slides while I am using the laptop monitor to look at the standard
I select slides on the left side to have a slide preview available for
me while I am speaking. I encouter some problems in the presentation

In presentation mode
- sometimes PPT crashes during a presentation
- sometimes the laptop display freezes; the beamer shows the next
slide on klick, but the laptop display does not advance.
- sometimes, beamer and slide display are sychronized but the slide
preview only shows icons (the first few slides in the preview bar are
usually ok) or has a very bad resolution. Hence, the slide preview
doesn't work.

Even with the same ppt-file none of these failures is reproducible in
the sense that the same failure happens every time I start the

Could anyone tell me how to solve these problems?


It is partly by design and partly a resource issue. You computer is good,
but PowerPoint is very graphically intensive. It gives priority to the
presentation display (as you put it, the beamer), and only if there is left
over processing abilities, does it update the miniatures and laptop display.

There is a sync views ppa file that was created by Chirag, check:
that helps address this issue. Also check out this faq:
