Problems with sending and burning dvd

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After i got done making my video, i saved it and tryed to email it or upload
it to photobucket but it doesnt reconized it or wont allow it. does anyone
know y? also I clicked on the save to dvd button and then it shows the files
getting ready but then the little screen pops up with the icons to burn it
and i cant press any of those buttons........i can only press cancel. I have
a dvd burner so i dont under stand why its not working. please help!!! im
planning on maken dvds for xmas presents.
Danyell said:
After i got done making my video, i saved it and tryed to email it or
upload it to photobucket but it doesnt reconized it or wont allow it.
does anyone know y? also I clicked on the save to dvd button and then
it shows the files getting ready but then the little screen pops up
with the icons to burn it and i cant press any of those
buttons........i can only press cancel. I have a dvd burner so i dont
under stand why its not working. please help!!! im planning on maken
dvds for xmas presents.
If you are trying to upload the .mswmm
project file...that won't work because it
does not include the source files. You
must save as a .wmv or .avi. You'll
find the options if you go to...File /
Save Movie File or type...Ctrl+P.

For creating DVDs I would suggest that
you save your project as a .wmv or .avi
and purchase some DVD authoring

Maybe these links will get you started:

Turn your Movie Maker 2
video into a DVD

Wojo's Web...DVD Creation

Burn a Movie Maker Project to DVD

How do I make a DVD

Windows Movie Maker Forums

Movie Maker 2 and DVD Burning Software

Burning DVDs With Windows Movie Maker 2

How do I save my movie as a
DV-AVI file in Movie Maker?


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

*****Digital Image******
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