Problems with Send to Back & Bring to Front

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ajai Kumar .R
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Ajai Kumar .R

Hai all,

Can somebody give me some solution to handle this scenario?

I've a MDI Parent form. It holds a GroupBox along with some labels. I have
one more form which is a child form this parent. When I open the child form
it gets hides behind parent form's GroupBox. I tried Groupbox.sendtoback()
on parent form and Me.BringtoFront() on childform__Activated() area, but NO

Thanks in advance.
Ajai Kumar .R
Ajai Kumar .R said:
Hai all,

Can somebody give me some solution to handle this scenario?

I've a MDI Parent form. It holds a GroupBox along with some labels. I
have one more form which is a child form this parent. When I open the
child form it gets hides behind parent form's GroupBox. I tried
Groupbox.sendtoback() on parent form and Me.BringtoFront() on
childform__Activated() area, but NO JOY...

That's by design. Set the Dock property of the GroupBox.

I tried the Dock property of the group Box... It works something like a
frame of ASP. What i need is this groupbox should go back and my child forms
should overlap on this group box.

Ajai Kumar .R said:
I tried the Dock property of the group Box... It works something like
a frame of ASP. What i need is this groupbox should go back and my
child forms should overlap on this group box.

(AFAIK) This is not possible (by design).