Problems with Runtime

  • Thread starter Thread starter Daniel
  • Start date Start date



I've created a form that's bounded to a certain View.

one of the editbox's in the form is bounded to a VB
function that checks the value's of the current record
and returns a value according to them.

On my Access XP (on WinXP Pro) it works OK, but on the
runtime of my clients (Win2K-SP4, OfficeXP-SP2, AccessXP
Runtime & Last updates) it displays: #Name?

ideas anyone ?
-----Original Message-----

I've created a form that's bounded to a certain View.

one of the editbox's in the form is bounded to a VB
function that checks the value's of the current record
and returns a value according to them.

On my Access XP (on WinXP Pro) it works OK, but on the
runtime of my clients (Win2K-SP4, OfficeXP-SP2, AccessXP
Runtime & Last updates) it displays: #Name?

ideas anyone ?
Hi Daniel,
Have you checked that the library that contains your vb
function is a part of the access runtime libraries?

It's a standard VB function:

Function Check() As String
if me!Pos="0" then
Check = Me!Pos & me!SerialNo
Check = Me!SerialNo
end if
End Function

[Pos] and [SerialNo] are fields on the bounded table, and
the EditBox bounded to this function has RecordSource =

On My machine (MOD XP) and on machines with office 2003
it's working.

can't figure this out. :-(
Hi Daniel,
I have been having similar problems. When trying to create
an installation package for various versions of windows. I
found that win95 to winME would run access v2000. win95e
and win2000 or later run accessXP. So I use 2 developers'
kits; 1 for each version.

I noticed the need for this because a simple function was
not working in winME. Besides accessXP or later does not
run on win95 or win98 (1st release).

The problem was not the function. It was the office
libraries. I have a process that outputs to a word
document for mail merge and another that outputs to an
excel workbook. I had referenced the word 10 and excel 10
object libraries so that I could early bind my object
variables. For clients with earlier versions of office,
references to these libraries was a problem. So I now have
late binding and no reference to these libraries.
Everything seems to install and run without problem now.

I'm not sure if the above applies for you...
