Roby John
I am using MS Access 2003 to link to a table in another database. When I
look at the table's properties in Design View I show the following for the
field with the Number data type:
Field Size: Decimal
Precision: 17
Scale: 9
Decimal Places: Auto
Required: No
Indexed: No
The table I am linking to has a precision of 20 for the same field,
therefore when I try to run a query I receive the error, "The decimal field's
precision is too small to accept the numeric you attempted to add" because
one of the entries has a precision greater than 10. (I already installed the
patch that is out there for this error). Is there anyway to change the
precision in Access so that even though this is a linked table, I can change
the precision on my end without affecting the actual data in the linked table?
look at the table's properties in Design View I show the following for the
field with the Number data type:
Field Size: Decimal
Precision: 17
Scale: 9
Decimal Places: Auto
Required: No
Indexed: No
The table I am linking to has a precision of 20 for the same field,
therefore when I try to run a query I receive the error, "The decimal field's
precision is too small to accept the numeric you attempted to add" because
one of the entries has a precision greater than 10. (I already installed the
patch that is out there for this error). Is there anyway to change the
precision in Access so that even though this is a linked table, I can change
the precision on my end without affecting the actual data in the linked table?