Problems with MS Office Word


glenn b

Having difficulties with opening MS Office Word 2007... keep getting flag
that "MS Office Word has stopped working...a problem caused the program to
stop working correctly... Windows will close program and notify if a solution
is available." Frequently this occurs, and I have in past been successful by
clicking on program again or turning computer off and starting all over
again. No luck today ...just will not open the program and for a freelance
writer with a deadline looming this is disaster ! Any suggestions or answers
to my problem ?


I do not know what options are available or will be comfortable/practicable?

(1) Uninstall Office or if you have Word only, then MS Word and install it
over again.
(2) Copy and show us a few last top events in the event viewer related to
the MS Word, especially events marked as errors.

(3) When you FIRST restart MS office successfully (if it is still possible)
go to Task Manager and find the task running with .exe extension related to
MS office. it might look something like word.exe or similar. Remember it.

When your Office refuses to restart after you closed it during the same
computer run, open the Task manager again and check it. It is quite likely
you will find TWO or THREE applications running with the same name already.
In other words, your Office does not close correctly when you click the
button. You should TERMINATE all of them and the odds are MS Office will be
able to get started again.

This last problem if keeps occurring should be troubleshooted but I do not
precisely know what the best way would be. Somebody else might help perhaps.
Maybe reinstalling the WORD will help here as well.


Having difficulties with opening MS Office Word 2007... keep getting
flag that "MS Office Word has stopped working...a problem caused the
program to stop working correctly... Windows will close program and
notify if a solution is available." Frequently this occurs, and I have
in past been successful by clicking on program again or turning computer
off and starting all over again. No luck today ...just will not open the
program and for a freelance writer with a deadline looming this is
disaster ! Any suggestions or answers to my problem ?

Until you can resolve the issue, a download of should
allow you to continue working.


Does Open Office read/write the new .docx format yet?
That's the default setting for word2007; and if the OP has been saving docs
in that format he may be out of luck as far as Open Office is concerned.
(I do have Open Office, but haven't updated it in a while, so I don't know
whether it opens .docx files.)


Does Open Office read/write the new .docx format yet? That's the default
setting for word2007; and if the OP has been saving docs in that format
he may be out of luck as far as Open Office is concerned. (I do have
Open Office, but haven't updated it in a while, so I don't know whether
it opens .docx files.)

That capability was added in version 2.3. In 2.2 there was a conversion
program which could be added for the functionality.


Great. Thanks, Ray.
I'll have to update my OO.
I also have Office 2007, so it'll be nice to be able to switch back and
forth between the two as desired.

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