Jose Meireles
Hi everyone
I've created a module (in a web app) to hold several generic functions as
subroutines. The problem I face is that I've got problems with the call of
system functions with wich I don't have problems if creating the same
function within the webform class.
as an example here follows a soubroutine within a module
Imports System.Web.UI
Public Class geralMdl
Shared Function LimparTexto(ByVal IdForm As String) As Boolean
Dim Form As Control = FindControl(IdForm)
If IsNothing(Form) Then
LimparTexto = False
LimparTexto = True
Dim Control As Control
For Each Control In Form.Controls
If TypeOf Control Is WebControls.TextBox Then
CType(Control, WebControls.TextBox).Text = ""
End If
Control = Nothing
End If
Form = Nothing
End Function
End Class
The function findControl is not recognized.....!!!! in the task list it says
that it's not declared....
Does anyone can help me with this?
I've created a module (in a web app) to hold several generic functions as
subroutines. The problem I face is that I've got problems with the call of
system functions with wich I don't have problems if creating the same
function within the webform class.
as an example here follows a soubroutine within a module
Imports System.Web.UI
Public Class geralMdl
Shared Function LimparTexto(ByVal IdForm As String) As Boolean
Dim Form As Control = FindControl(IdForm)
If IsNothing(Form) Then
LimparTexto = False
LimparTexto = True
Dim Control As Control
For Each Control In Form.Controls
If TypeOf Control Is WebControls.TextBox Then
CType(Control, WebControls.TextBox).Text = ""
End If
Control = Nothing
End If
Form = Nothing
End Function
End Class
The function findControl is not recognized.....!!!! in the task list it says
that it's not declared....
Does anyone can help me with this?