
I have encountered a problem with Office 2003. It seems that everytime I use
the add/remove programs panel in Control Panel I get this dialog box that
says I'm missing a file. I am currently using Windows XP Professional with
Service Pack 2

Here's a copy of a file that I'm missing:
C:\Program Files\OfficeUpdate11\Cabs\511735\

I have already fixed the installer file using Microsoft KB article 324516 -
The Windows Installer service could not be accessed error message when you
try to install Office.

I have looked in possibly all the most obvious files and folders and have
not seen this particular cab file. Is there a way for me to retrieve or even
possibly download this file?

Another problem I have encountered is an RPC error using avast! Antivirus.
Everytime I try to open this AV program I get a splash screen that says the
following: avast!: AAVM subsystem detected RPC error.

Now I have gone through the Services management console using
Start-Run-Services.msc and made sure that RPC services are reset back to XP
Professional defaults and I still get this error. I have searched in vain for
articles using Microsoft KB support and I haven't found any that really helps
(unless I'm looking too hard and forget to really look!) short of
reinstalling XP and hope that everything else will return to normal. Any
information that gives satisfactory results to the above named problems will
be greatly appreciated. Thanks and have a great day.


The Cabs folder 51173\ should contain these 2 files -

511735.MAINSP1op, (Cabinet file) - 17,355KB
511735.MAINSP1op, (Windows Installer Patch) - 18,207KB

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