Problems with IE


Tom H

I got 2 problems,
1: how do i get rid of the MySearchNow toolbar?
everything i've tried doesn't work. - Spybot S&D, Ad-
Aware and another thing, can't remember. i mean, is there
a free program which i can use to get rid of it?

2:Theres something wrong and i don't know what it is.
Every so often, when i'm browsing the web, IE will
suddenly try to open about 50 IE windows and nearly
crashes my computer. thank god for the 512mb RAM.


Your two problems are really only ONE problem.

Go to At the
bottom of this page there's a link to download their uninstaller. Uninstall
the ToollBar with this, then do SpyBot and Ad-Aware again. Be sure to update
both of them before doing the scan. And if you want something amusing to
read - read their Help page.

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