Pawe³ Mylka
Hello, I have problem wtih gpo which I can't resolve from little time.
The problem is that computer policy for domain computer is not applied. The
main error in event log is:
System Windows nie mo¿e uzyskaæ dostêpu do pliku gpt.ini dla obiektu GPO
Plik powinien znajdowaæ siê w lokalizacji
(Odmowa dostêpu. ).
Przetwarzanie zasad grupy zosta³o przerwane.
This mean Acces denide. But then i check i Group Policy Manageemnt Console
that inform me that just
Component Name Status Last Process Time
Infrastruktura zasad grupy Failed 2005-10-10 11:38:47
Infrastruktura zasad grupy failed due to the error listed below.
Okre¶lona domena nie istnieje lub nie mo¿na siê z ni± skontaktowaæ.
Note: Due to the GP Core failure, none of the other Group Policy components
processed their policy. Consequently, status information for the other
components is not available.
Additional information may have been logged. Review the Policy Events tab in
the console or the application event log for events between 2005-10-10
11:38:25 and 2005-10-10 11:38:47.
Infrastruktura zasad grupy - infrastraction group policy
Okre¶lona domena nie istnieje lub nie mo¿na siê z ni± skontaktowaæ. ->
specified domain does not exist or can't be contacted.
But when I try from computer name step into shared folder
i can without aby problem.
Does aby one have idea what can be wrong?
Pawe³ Mylka
The problem is that computer policy for domain computer is not applied. The
main error in event log is:
System Windows nie mo¿e uzyskaæ dostêpu do pliku gpt.ini dla obiektu GPO
Plik powinien znajdowaæ siê w lokalizacji
(Odmowa dostêpu. ).
Przetwarzanie zasad grupy zosta³o przerwane.
This mean Acces denide. But then i check i Group Policy Manageemnt Console
that inform me that just
Component Name Status Last Process Time
Infrastruktura zasad grupy Failed 2005-10-10 11:38:47
Infrastruktura zasad grupy failed due to the error listed below.
Okre¶lona domena nie istnieje lub nie mo¿na siê z ni± skontaktowaæ.
Note: Due to the GP Core failure, none of the other Group Policy components
processed their policy. Consequently, status information for the other
components is not available.
Additional information may have been logged. Review the Policy Events tab in
the console or the application event log for events between 2005-10-10
11:38:25 and 2005-10-10 11:38:47.
Infrastruktura zasad grupy - infrastraction group policy
Okre¶lona domena nie istnieje lub nie mo¿na siê z ni± skontaktowaæ. ->
specified domain does not exist or can't be contacted.
But when I try from computer name step into shared folder
i can without aby problem.
Does aby one have idea what can be wrong?
Pawe³ Mylka