From commad line i only use the ewf command. From the batch there are many
others. Here is the content of the batch:
@echo off
set BS_DRV=D:
set BS_DIR=%BS_DRV%\\WOTerm
set STYPE=auto
rem set STYPE=demand
echo try to stop running woterm and com2key(will fail on a clean sytem!)
xnet stop "eTime WOTERM"
xnet stop "eTime Com2Key"
ewfmgr c: -commitanddisable -live
mkdir %BS_DIR%
echo REGEDIT4>ic.reg
echo @="%BS_DIR%">>ic.reg
echo @="%BS_DIR%">>ic.reg
echo "WOTerm"="\"c:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe\" -k
regedit ic.reg
set PWD=%~dp0
set olddrv=%~d0
cd %BS_DIR%
%PWD%/tar xvf %PWD%/woterm.tar
copy %BS_DIR%\ini.d\php.ini %windir%
cd %PWD%
xnet remove "eTime WOTERM" /y
xnet remove "eTime Com2Key" /y
xnet install "eTime WOTERM" /b:%BS_DIR%\bin\woterm.exe /s:%STYPE%
xnet install "eTime Com2Key" /b:%BS_DIR%\bin\c2k.exe /s:%STYPE% /i:Yes
xnet start "eTime WOTERM"
xnet start "eTime Com2Key"
ewfmgr c: -enable
shutdown -r -t 0
echo done.
The batch is run via a desktop icon. I can not find a reason why the batch
should not run properly all the time.