Problems with EndNote v9

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Has anybody seen a problem with EndNote 9 (ISI Researchsoft) bibliogrpahic
database software? Prior to install of WinDef, I could open PDFs and URL by
right-clicking the record (normal functionality). Since installation this
functionality no longer works - even inf WinDef is subsequently removed.

Any thoughts?

If this persists after removal, I think that it is more likely that this may
relate to, for example, a security update, perhaps, or some other change to
the system. Have you tried a repair install of the app?
Hi Bill - thanks for answering. yes, I did try to repair app. No joy. I
even completely removed app and reinstalled. No joy. EndNote worked
aboslutley fine just 30 minutes before installing Defender - and hasn't
worked since - even with Defender removed.

While Windows Defender was installed, did you scan, and remove anything? If
you did, there should be clear records of those operations in the System
event log. I would think, however, that if you'd removed a piece of the
program (this can happen, with a false positive)--that a repair would have
replaced that and you'd be fine.

You might open Windows Update, and go to "review your update history" in the
left column--and see whether there were updates that coincided in time to
the problem.