Windows XP Problems with Defrag

Mar 10, 2008
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Computer Specs:
Windows XP Pro
AMD Athalon 32+ 2.0 GHZ

Ok, I am trying to defrag my computer, but the volume will not improve. The drive is 37% fragmented with 66% file fragmentation, the physical analysis looks like a demented tropical candy cane. I have run the utility about 10 times and the drive has defragmented approximately 1%. I get no error messages. I have run it in safe mode in the command prompt and nothing changes, it runs for about 5 minutes and decides that it is finished. I downloaded Diskeeper 2008 and tried this, after analyzing the volume my computer restarts, again I get no error message. I have also run Scandisk and Disk Cleanup and they have worked, only Defrag seems to be a problem.

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas on how to fix this, that would be great, because I am out of ideas.
To use any defrag program, either Windows own or a third party application, the hard disk needs a certain amount of free space.

This is needed to temporarily store data whilst it's moved about.

If your hard disk is nearly full up you won't be able to defrag so if it is near to bursting point, delete some stuff.

If it isn't near to full up try starting in safe mode and defrag then.

looks like a demented tropical candy cane

Now there's a description I don't often encounter :)
charles627 said:
The drive is 20% free, and I have run defrag in safe mode with the same results.

Now if we'd had that info in your first post, would have saved me posting.

Sorry, but I kinda clueless with this one then :confused:
I tried that, I have run defrag using windows, command prompt (DOS), and safe mode, as well as command prompt in safe mode.
it just gives a list of the most fragmented files, i got a different version of diskeeper and ran a few maintenance programs and it seems to be working now, very, very, slowly