Problems with date formatting



Bascially i have been using a spreadsheet that i have set-up in as a template
to convert data for me. Part of the process see's me pasting an external
spreadsheet into my template my problem is that all of a sudden this posted
data has no format.

The date is showing as the 1900 format i.e. the 1st of Jan 1900 shows as 1.
No matter what i try i can't get the format to change. If i highlight a cell
i can see the format in the formula bar but it doesn't show it on the sheet.
Does anyone know how i can sort this out? or has the sheet become corrupted?

Any help will be gratefully received


That's the defoult for Excel.....if you want the 1904 system do Tools >
Options > CalculationTab > check the 1904 box

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Dave Peterson

Maybe you're looking at formulas.
Tools|Options|View tab|uncheck formulas

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