Problems with date and time on Notes.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris Mitchell
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Chris Mitchell

I have just started using Outlook Notes. I note (no pun intended) that the
date and time on some Notes updates to the current date and time each time I
open it. How can I fix things such that the date and time remains set at
the date and time the Note was created?
Can you please explain for others exactly what the means?

(tools, options, other, advanced... when viewing notes, show date and time.
you can also add the created date field to list views. If you sync with a
pda or make changes, the dates may be messed up - i'm in the habit of typing
the date in if its important to know when I created the note.)
in message

Got it. Do it in the code, don't try to do it in FP.

In WHAT code? You wrote an Outlook plug-in? What is "FP"?
FrontPage? How would changing anything in a web site maintained using
FrontPage affect how Outlook behaves?

Replied to the wrong topic in the wrong NG.

Apologies to all who were confused by this.

However the problem remains. How do I nail Note date and time to when the
Note was created?
Chris Mitchell said:
How do I nail Note date and time to when the Note was created?

The problem with notes in Outlook is that they are not opened in some
temporary working file or memory that you could choose to not save
when you exit the note. As soon as you open it up, Outlook thinks
that there could be a change to the note. There is no Save or Save As
prompt when you change a note (so you could toss the changes if you
did not want to save them). If you change a note, the change is
immediate (however, the display of the note's contents in the preview
won't get updated until you change focus and return to the note).
There have been many times when I changed a note and then wanted to
undo those changes by NOT saving the note. Too late, already changed
as soon as I opened it.