Problems with databases when transitioning from Access 2002 to XP

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Is there some sort of "bug" when transitioning from Office 2002 to Office XP
when it comes to functionality of databases? With this application I
designed, the command buttons, SOLELY for opening up reports does NOT
function. Nothing happens, and then a message pops up saying "The openreport
action was cancelled." I even changed the command buttons to run macros to
open those reports INSTEAD of event procedures....but still does not work.
Anyone have this problem before? If so, what do I do to correct this?

Thank you.
I'm not aware of any particular difficulty with opening reports when moving
a database from 2002 to 2003. Can you give information about what you're
trying to do -- such as the VBA code, etc.?
the VBA code is JUST to open a report that i created. so...i replaced that
"event procedure" with a macro to open the report and ONE of the reports open
now...but the others still do not.
I cannot *see* through the newsreader what the difference between the two
would be... please post the information that I requested... otherwise, I'll
just be guessing and most likely guessing incorrectly.

Ken Snell
Here is hte VBA code to open the reports:

Private Sub cmdOpenOffice_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenOffice_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "selProjectionsOffice"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview
stDocName = "selProjectionsReportstotalsEmployee"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdOpenOffice_Click

End Sub
New operating system? Did you set a default printer in Windows? If you think
you did, then unset and reset the default printer to a known, attached

If this doesn't work, can you open any report even in design view? won't even open in DESIGN view! the event is just opening the report
in print preview, not even printing. So i'm not sure what is going on.
Go back and read my response again. See if you missed anything. If you
really didn't miss but tried it and it didn't work then please do us the
courtesy of telling us that it did or didn't work and what your result was.