Nick Fischio via .NET 247
We are having issues with some of our applications that utilizeconnection pooling via the OracleConnection Class
Of the System.Data.OracleClient Namespace. At this time we areunable to determine of the problem lies within our code thatconnects to our DB and then executes the necessary storedprocecures, the parameters we define in the ConnectionStringproperty, or the Oracle DB itself. What we do know, however isthat when we enable connection pooling, over time ourapplication is no longer able to connect to our DB and wereceive .NET errors like the one I?ve pasted below. Then, whenwe recycle the application pool that this application is runningin, we are able to connect to the DB again and our applicationworks. Then, like I said over time, it will fail again, with thesame or similar message. I?m also wondering if our code is nothandling the connection to the DB properly. Perhaps we are notclosing connections when an exception is thrown, or we are justnot handling errors returned from the DB gracefully.
Application KSLearn FailedSystem.Web.HttpUnhandledException:Exception of type System.Web.HttpUnhandledException was thrown.---> System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException: ORA-03114: notconnected to ORACLE
Of the System.Data.OracleClient Namespace. At this time we areunable to determine of the problem lies within our code thatconnects to our DB and then executes the necessary storedprocecures, the parameters we define in the ConnectionStringproperty, or the Oracle DB itself. What we do know, however isthat when we enable connection pooling, over time ourapplication is no longer able to connect to our DB and wereceive .NET errors like the one I?ve pasted below. Then, whenwe recycle the application pool that this application is runningin, we are able to connect to the DB again and our applicationworks. Then, like I said over time, it will fail again, with thesame or similar message. I?m also wondering if our code is nothandling the connection to the DB properly. Perhaps we are notclosing connections when an exception is thrown, or we are justnot handling errors returned from the DB gracefully.
Application KSLearn FailedSystem.Web.HttpUnhandledException:Exception of type System.Web.HttpUnhandledException was thrown.---> System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException: ORA-03114: notconnected to ORACLE