Problems with connection pooling on Oracle (ORA-03114)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nick Fischio via .NET 247
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Nick Fischio via .NET 247

We are having issues with some of our applications that utilizeconnection pooling via the OracleConnection Class
Of the System.Data.OracleClient Namespace. At this time we areunable to determine of the problem lies within our code thatconnects to our DB and then executes the necessary storedprocecures, the parameters we define in the ConnectionStringproperty, or the Oracle DB itself. What we do know, however isthat when we enable connection pooling, over time ourapplication is no longer able to connect to our DB and wereceive .NET errors like the one I?ve pasted below. Then, whenwe recycle the application pool that this application is runningin, we are able to connect to the DB again and our applicationworks. Then, like I said over time, it will fail again, with thesame or similar message. I?m also wondering if our code is nothandling the connection to the DB properly. Perhaps we are notclosing connections when an exception is thrown, or we are justnot handling errors returned from the DB gracefully.

Application KSLearn FailedSystem.Web.HttpUnhandledException:Exception of type System.Web.HttpUnhandledException was thrown.---> System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException: ORA-03114: notconnected to ORACLE
You need to check for errors in your code as the MS components can lock a
connection if there are certain types of errors. I do quite a bit of Oracle
work, but I am not an Oracle expert, so I cannot tell which specific errors
simply lock up Connections. The DBA should be able to track down what was
being run when the lock occurred, however, and you can check that piece of

My suggestion, if possible, is to refactor with the free ODP.NET components
from Oracle. Most of the objects share the same names, although some of the
Oracle methods are named different (ie, be careful and test thoroughly). If
you are not working exclusively with stored procedures, I would recommend

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!
We are having issues with some of our applications that utilize connection
pooling via the OracleConnection Class
Of the System.Data.OracleClient Namespace. At this time we are unable to
determine of the problem lies within our code that connects to our DB and
then executes the necessary stored procecures, the parameters we define in
the ConnectionString property, or the Oracle DB itself. What we do know,
however is that when we enable connection pooling, over time our application
is no longer able to connect to our DB and we receive .NET errors like the
one I?ve pasted below. Then, when we recycle the application pool that this
application is running in, we are able to connect to the DB again and our
application works. Then, like I said over time, it will fail again, with the
same or similar message. I?m also wondering if our code is not handling the
connection to the DB properly. Perhaps we are not closing connections when
an exception is thrown, or we are just not handling errors returned from the
DB gracefully.

Application KSLearn FailedSystem.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Exception of
type System.Web.HttpUnhandledException was thrown. --->
System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException: ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
Like Gregory mentions there are some errors that we are not handling
correctly in our managed pooler implementation, you should contact PSS
directly for the latest QFE 830173.

Thank you
Angel Saenz-Badillos [MS] Managed Providers
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