Problems with Call of Duty 2 or my computer

Dec 28, 2005
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Hi first all of all im a newbie to this forum

I am having problems with Call of Duty 2 it installed fine and i have reinstalled it already runs the video at the start then no menu no background its just a black screen with music playing. I have also tried installing the new drivers for the graphics card. My specification of my computer is as follows:

Amd 64 3200+
Nvidia 6600 Agp 8x 256mb
Abit UL8
512 ram

I am also having troubles with half life 2 where it loads up fine then there is no menu and black where the sky is ment to be im pretty sure its not my graphics card because we have had it in another computer and it was working fine on this game no troubles at all

My last trouble is Halo as well it installs fine go to load up and you cannot see the menu just a black screen and nothing happens and once again you can hear the music:confused:

Im very confused

I also got quake 4 installed that and it runs fine no problems at all

Thanks IN ADVANCED :thumb:
Please someone please help me :'(

I have installed the latest graphics card drivers
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