andrew_webby at hotmail
Am having a problem with an app I wrote to test patch delivery. I
contact a remote PC, and get it to run a patch which is installed on a
server. It works fine if I use psexec for example and I know it's not
NTFS/share-level security at fault - it's readable to everyone which
is usually enough for scheduler or any other usually-not-network-user
to reach it.
I've checked my credentials in my remote session and it says it's
running as "me", but it appears I've lost my network identity.
check.cmd is just basically "dir \\server\share >> c:\log.log 2>&1",
but when called remotely it results in "Access is denied" in the log.
If I change it to "dir c:\ ...", it works fine though. Remember, I'm
calling that batch file on the remote PC. I'm also a domain admin by
the way, and for good measure I've also added myself to the admins
group on my remote test pc.
Here's the code:
Dim options = New ConnectionOptions
options.EnablePrivileges = True
options.Authentication = AuthenticationLevel.Call
options.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate
Dim scope = New ManagementScope("\\" + pc + "\root\cimv2", options)
Dim processClass = New ManagementClass("Win32_Process")
processClass.Scope = scope
Dim inParams = processClass.GetMethodParameters("Create")
Dim startup = New ManagementClass("WIN32_ProcessStartup")
startup.Scope = scope
inParams("CommandLine") = "cmd /c c:\check.cmd"
inParams("ProcessStartupInformation") = startup
Dim outParams = processClass.InvokeMethod("Create", inParams, Nothing)
Debug.WriteLine("CreateProcess returned :" +
Any that can help with this will earn my undying gratitude and respect
(and a million pounds!)*
* offer of prize money will not be honoured
Am having a problem with an app I wrote to test patch delivery. I
contact a remote PC, and get it to run a patch which is installed on a
server. It works fine if I use psexec for example and I know it's not
NTFS/share-level security at fault - it's readable to everyone which
is usually enough for scheduler or any other usually-not-network-user
to reach it.
I've checked my credentials in my remote session and it says it's
running as "me", but it appears I've lost my network identity.
check.cmd is just basically "dir \\server\share >> c:\log.log 2>&1",
but when called remotely it results in "Access is denied" in the log.
If I change it to "dir c:\ ...", it works fine though. Remember, I'm
calling that batch file on the remote PC. I'm also a domain admin by
the way, and for good measure I've also added myself to the admins
group on my remote test pc.
Here's the code:
Dim options = New ConnectionOptions
options.EnablePrivileges = True
options.Authentication = AuthenticationLevel.Call
options.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate
Dim scope = New ManagementScope("\\" + pc + "\root\cimv2", options)
Dim processClass = New ManagementClass("Win32_Process")
processClass.Scope = scope
Dim inParams = processClass.GetMethodParameters("Create")
Dim startup = New ManagementClass("WIN32_ProcessStartup")
startup.Scope = scope
inParams("CommandLine") = "cmd /c c:\check.cmd"
inParams("ProcessStartupInformation") = startup
Dim outParams = processClass.InvokeMethod("Create", inParams, Nothing)
Debug.WriteLine("CreateProcess returned :" +
Any that can help with this will earn my undying gratitude and respect
(and a million pounds!)*
* offer of prize money will not be honoured