Faluty said:
Any one have Problems with ATI 9700/9800 Video cards Crashing when
using more then 1 Gigs of ram ?
Works fine when using 1 Gig of ram or less, but with 2 Gigs it Craps
But When using a Nvidia Card the system Runs fine.
Yes I have experienced the same problems with 1.5GB of RAM and my Radeon
9700 Pro recently. Lockups in games, lockups on the desktop, internet
explorer, down to hard reboots on windows startup.
I thought it was faulty RAM, as replacing it with 1GB solved the problem. I
also noticed I could use AGP 8x with only 1GB of RAM without problems,
whereas with 1.5GB of RAM I would get garbled text in games.
But now that I read your post, I tried to switch out my video card to a
GeForce 3 and used it with 1.5GB without any problems!
Relaxing memory timings to the maximum didn't change the situation either.
First I though Catalyst 3.8 might be the problem, but it really isn't as I
had used it before without problems. Also, reverting to Catalyst 3.4 didn't
solve the problem.
The only things that my system has in common with yours is a Radeon, Audigy
2 and 12GB Maxtor HDD:
Has anybody else encountered this?