Problems with add-in after upgrading from Excel 2003 to 2007

  • Thread starter Thread starter Starrmann
  • Start date Start date



I have developed an Excel add-in for a customer. The add-in enables
users to retreieve data from a database by using WorkSheet formulas.

The User writes in a cell
and Microsofts stock quote shows up.

Some users in the company does not have the add-in installed.
When using Office 2003 and opening up a workbook using the formulas,
they were still able to see the values in the cell, provided that just
clicked no when asked to update external links.

After uppgrading to Office 2007 users without the component are no
longer able to see the quotes, even when they don't update links.
Instead #VALUE is displayed.

In the cell the formula has changed to
='C:\Program Files\QuoteManager\qm.xla'!Quote('31/12/2009';'MSFT')

This is where the add-in is installed normally.

Why doesn't it work anylonger?

The workbook is still saved as xls, not xlsx!
I don't recall if I've tested this in xl2007 (or what happened when/if I did)...

There is a windows registry setting that can be changed so that newer versions
of excel recalculate these links in the same manner that earlier versions of
excel used.

Jim Rech posted this:[email protected]

Maybe it'll work for you.
ps. That number will change based on the version of excel that you're using.

xl2003 is version 11.0 and xl2007 is xl2007.
Thanks a lot!

I forgot that Excel will automatically recalculate when an old file is
opened in a newer excel version. Saving the workbook in Excel 2007
format made Excel not try to update links. Though it was a pain saving
it in that format because Excel complained there were macros of
version 4 och 5, neither did xlsm work. But I dropped those silly
modules and it worked.

Thanks again