Problems with access to a web page

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There is a website I have visited for a long time and have never had trouble
with before, and can still get on fine at work, it is just recently from my
home PC I have a problem. I've tried accessing it from my favourites, typing
in the address from scratch, and using other links to it, but every time the
progress bar goes half-way and then freezes and won't display the page.

I've tried deleting my cookies, have checked my level of security and it's
still on the default setting as before...I have no idea what's wrong. Maybe
a recent Windows update has caused the problem somewhere???

For info, the site is or (both addresses lead to
the same page). I have also tried accessing the site from the Invision
website ( but with the same

Thanks to anyone who can help :)
Hipfidelity said:
There is a website I have visited for a long time and have never had trouble
with before, and can still get on fine at work, it is just recently from my
home PC I have a problem. I've tried accessing it from my favourites, typing
in the address from scratch, and using other links to it, but every time the
progress bar goes half-way and then freezes and won't display the page.

I've tried deleting my cookies, have checked my level of security and it's
still on the default setting as before...I have no idea what's wrong. Maybe
a recent Windows update has caused the problem somewhere???

For info, the site is or (both addresses lead to
the same page). I have also tried accessing the site from the Invision
website ( but with the same

Thanks to anyone who can help :)

All those links work fine with telnet 80.
E.g. to get a better symptom description by partially simulating
the first request that IE makes enter (assuming OS is NTx)
in a cmd window:

telnet 80

If there is connection the screen will clear and you will get a chance
to type (but not be able to see your typing). So Enter GET
(That's GET plus a space.) Then enter (or paste) the complete URL
(including protocol prefix) and press Enter.

Tip: before switching to the cmd window you could right-click, Copy Shortcut
that link, e.g. to ensure that you have a complete URL including protocol
prefix. Then instead of typing the above command you could build it
in the command line by typing telnet 80 then pasting the URL in between
it and editing out (e.g. using Backspace, Cursor, Delete) the unwanted bits.
Then having the URL in the ClipBoard makes it available to you when you
need it to paste after the GET <space> where you can't see what you're

Anyway, see how much of the page you get doing that.
It's a fairly big page; so it's possible that you will see it
truncated and if so, that would explain your symptom.
Since you have two cases, one with a problem symptom
and one without you should be able to generate two
different results to compare between and report any
significant differences. You only really need to see
where each display ends but if you want to capture
the whole thing for deeper analysis you could use
telnet's -f switch for that.

If you do see such a difference try the MTU check
described here as a further diagnostic.

<title>KB314825 - How to Troubleshoot Black Hole Router Issues</title>

Fortunately, the site allows ICMP (e.g. ping -n 1)
so that test should work with it.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle
Thanks Jon, I've tried your 1. and 2. but still don't get my website. 3.
lost me a bit....can you explain it in idiot's terms for me as I'm getting a
bit snowed under in finding what I need to do from all those pages.

Thanks too Robert - I typed in what you suggested (telnet 80) [in the address bar, is that right?]) but just got
a page like a search engine that listed at the top a link to your post in
this message board. Am stuck as to what to do next :(
Thanks too Robert - I typed in what you suggested (telnet 80) [in the address bar, is that right?])

No. "cmd window" means you Run... (e.g. press Win-R and enter:)


That open a window with what is called a Command line prompt.
Enter the above command you tried there and continue with the
rest of the instructions there.

Note that the KB article is even less specific about the command
environment assumed for doing its ping command. So, to be
clear, they were assuming the same thing, that you would either
have a command window open to switch to or know enough
to open one.

Good luck

Thanks :) OK, I got the blank screen and entered


....but then when I pressed enter I just got the black command screen with 3
lines on it (what was actually written there I have no idea because as with
my writing it didn't show up on screen). Hmm.......

Robert Aldwinckle said:
Thanks too Robert - I typed in what you suggested (telnet 80) [in the address bar, is that right?])

No. "cmd window" means you Run... (e.g. press Win-R and enter:)


That open a window with what is called a Command line prompt.
Enter the above command you tried there and continue with the
rest of the instructions there.

Note that the KB article is even less specific about the command
environment assumed for doing its ping command. So, to be
clear, they were assuming the same thing, that you would either
have a command window open to switch to or know enough
to open one.

Good luck

Hipfidelity said:
Thanks :) OK, I got the blank screen and entered


...but then when I pressed enter I just got the black command screen with 3
lines on it (what was actually written there I have no idea because as with
my writing it didn't show up on screen). Hmm.......

Yes. It looks as if it has changed since my first test.
In fact I was only able to get anything out of it by changing
the simulation by: appending HTTP/1.1 to the GET request
and by adding HOST: as another header
Even that was not enough to get it to respond normally and I had
to give it an extra Enter. But then I got this which was hardly
what I expecting:

<example from="the capture file">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 16:46:50 GMT
Server: Apache
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

It's probably waiting for a User-Agent: header now too.

Ha! Look what I get now when I send the exact same request
that IE sends:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 17:11:56 GMT
Server: Apache
Content-Encoding: gzip
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Length: 26
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

??? ?

Connection to host lost.

I took out *only* this line
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
and got exactly the same 0 length response
that I showed above from an even more reduced
simulation attempt.

Something has definitely changed. (E.g. response is now compressed
instead of being clear text.)

You will probably be better off then tracing the normal request
made by IE and examining an actual response to it.
I use netcap (from the XP Support Tools) but Ethereal's PCAP
utility also works as a capture tool. I use Ethereal to format a
captured trace in any case. Note that if they are using compression
now you won't be able to read anything and so you will have less
of an idea if stuff is being truncated but if you can do the same test
on two machines, one which works normally and a problem case,
you should be able to get something (e.g. lengths) to compare with.

Have you tried the MTU check yet? Ping at least still works
with the server you have chosen to test.

Good luck

Sorry, you must think you are dealing with the least technically-minded
person on the planet but I'm completely lost now with all the ping stuff (I
have no idea what it is). So, I searched on the Windows Help and Support
(C:\WINDOWS\Help\tcpip.chm::/sag_TCPIP_pro_Ping.htm) and after folllowing the
instructions I got this on my command prompt:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Jo>ipconfig

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected

PPP adapter Tesco broadband:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

C:\Documents and Settings\Jo>

The help page says "ensure that the network adapter for the TCP/IP
configuration you are testing is not in a Media disconnected state." but
doesn't tell you what to do if to ensure you don't get that! As you can see
by what's on my command prompt, I got "Media State . . . . . . . . . . . :
Media disconnected".

I hope you can make it a bit clearer for me, I'm sure we can find what's
wrong somewhere, i just have no idea where to find it.

Many thanks :)
I searched on the Windows Help and Support
and after folllowing the instructions I got this on my command prompt:
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected ....

The help page says "ensure that the network adapter for the TCP/IP
configuration you are testing is not in a Media disconnected state." but
doesn't tell you what to do if to ensure you don't get that! As you can see
by what's on my command prompt, I got "Media State . . . . . . . . . . . :
Media disconnected".

I have never noticed that before. ;o However, provided you can use
the adapter I think you can assume that it is just a reporting error:

I hope you can make it a bit clearer for me, I'm sure we can find what's
wrong somewhere, i just have no idea where to find it.

Many thanks :)

This (MTU size check) is slightly off-topic for this newsgroup.
It's possible that there is a simpler procedure for detecting and
fixing problems in this area. You might get better assistance
in a newsgroup which specializes in networking for your OS.
People there may have a better tack (e.g. non-diagnostic)
for dealing with your main symptom anyway.

I don't know which portal you are using with your web interface
to newsgroups. On the eXPertzone portal the newsgroup
you would want is called Windows XP Networking and the Web

The equivalent NNTP newsgroup name is

OE users could use this even if they didn't already have a news server


Before posting on a new news account from OE you should
do some personalizing (and munge your E-mail address
if desired.)

