I have 1 report and a sub report they are both based on the same query.The
query prompts the users to enter a value and then prints out the report.I
have used a sub report to create a list form the same query but whne I place
it onto the main report it repeats the same prompt ten times and the staus
bar at the bottom says Please wait formating.I don't know why this is but I
want to supress the prompt from being repeated.Any answers would be greatly
I have 1 report and a sub report they are both based on the same query.The
query prompts the users to enter a value and then prints out the report.I
have used a sub report to create a list form the same query but whne I place
it onto the main report it repeats the same prompt ten times and the staus
bar at the bottom says Please wait formating.I don't know why this is but I
want to supress the prompt from being repeated.Any answers would be greatly