I am having problems with calculating certain numbers after i inser
a row. Right now, I am using =SUM(W3:W9)/ROWS(W3:W9) to calculate th
average of the 7 rows. When a insert a new row in between these
rows, the data is included in the sum and average. BUT, when i inser
a row after the original 7 rows, say after row 9, then the data in ro
10 is not included in the sum. Does anyone know how to write a formul
that add that data into my sum? I tried writing a macros for it but
am not that familiar w/ the syntax for it. Thanks!!
I am having problems with calculating certain numbers after i inser
a row. Right now, I am using =SUM(W3:W9)/ROWS(W3:W9) to calculate th
average of the 7 rows. When a insert a new row in between these
rows, the data is included in the sum and average. BUT, when i inser
a row after the original 7 rows, say after row 9, then the data in ro
10 is not included in the sum. Does anyone know how to write a formul
that add that data into my sum? I tried writing a macros for it but
am not that familiar w/ the syntax for it. Thanks!!