Problems Saving my movie

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I just checked the entire board for any question/answer to my problem that
may alreadt be there. There isn't.

I make Anime Music Videos (AMVs) in my spare time and I recently just
finished one. After I finished, It was 00:06:14 on the mark. I tried to save
it to my computer, but it saved the first 4:03 only. I checked a few things
like file placement, and even transfered a majoity of my video clips and
episodes off my HD to my other computer.
When I tried to save a second time, the same problem. Only the first 4:03
was saved.

I know I have enough room on my HD, about 8 GB free (I have an Inspiron 1150
laptop) and 512mb RAM. I even started a new project and carefuly re-created
the video like the old one. Same problem when saving again.

Computer Specs:
-Dell Inspiron 1150 w/ Windows XP home ed. ver.2002 installed
-SP2 (of course)
-512 mb RAM
-2.80 GHz Mobile Intel Pentium 4 processor
-25 GB hard drive, (with Halo inst. ) so I have now around 8 GB free.

I've never had this problem before now and I seriousley need help. Does
anyone have a clue? Please?

-Dan, Outlawed Gundam Productions
What type of source file are you using, especially those around the 4 minute
mark? Is the movie project made with lots of still pictures? ... maybe a
memory related issue if the project is complex

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 -
Photo Story 2 -

File types known to cause Movie Maker a problem include...

JPeg: certain forms of JPeg can cause symptoms as you describe them.
MPg and MP3 files are not handled properly
A blank title or one with just a single space nothing else just one space.

The solutions are fairly obvious...convert Jpeg to BMP. MPG to AVI, MP3 to
WAV and of course check all of the titles.

There are certain program files connected with Movie Maker that will cause
trouble from time to time....and I can not remember the names at the
moment...the solution though install SP2 again (and do not do it over the the full file or get one of the free CD's of a
magazine) Also download and install Windows Media Player (9 or 10) and
DirectX 9

Off the top of my head that's the best I can give at this time of
night...The machine with all the data I need is presently off-line. Sorry
about that.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
Check out free video hosting at
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
^^; sry. I should have told ya.

I never use images in my AMVs. Only video clips and full episodes. All the
clips and episodes are either in AVI or WMV format. As for the music I use;
yes I do use mp3s. But I have used them for my past 9 videos and have not had
a problem.
I checked, and I have Windows Media Player 10 and DirectX 9. I made sure of
the DirectX when I installed Halo. :)

Sorry. I should have mentioned those in the original post. ^^;

I tried what you said, about converting mp3 to WMA, still a no go. Thanks
for trying to help!

After reading what you said about my project mabey being complex, I went back
through and looked for anything indicating anything too major. Found it.
Turns out I forgot to cut part of a song off and it was overlaied by another
song for about 10 seconds. Cutting the part solved the problem.

Thanks so much!
it just so happens that i'm having the same problems and i'm also trying to
save my AMV. i tried changing the mp3 to wav but that didn't help anything. i
even tried saving this thing on an 8 gb laptop. i'm stuck on this too, so
you're not alone.