Problems reinstalling IE 6




I'm trying to reinstall IE 6 on my PC,as i had some problems with IE 6.So i downloaded the IE 6 package from Micros. first and read the Micros. Knowl.Base Art. no 318378.But that didn't seem to work as when i tried to setup an error appeared that said:"There is a newer version of IE already installed ....,you cannot continue.
So i searched again and came along another article no. 304872.There it said a have to find the Branding reg key(?).It explains what it should be.But i 've got 4 keys that start with'>' and if i look to the components ID value there isn't any that got this value set to'Branding.cap'.Si if i can't find any,i can't change the reg_dword-value from 1 to 0.
Can anybody please help me?!!

Lance Joiner

How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in
Windows XP;en-us;318378&Product=winxp

| Hello,
| I'm trying to reinstall IE 6 on my PC,as i had some problems with IE
6.So i downloaded the IE 6 package from Micros. first and read the
Micros. Knowl.Base Art. no 318378.But that didn't seem to work as when
i tried to setup an error appeared that said:"There is a newer version
of IE already installed ....,you cannot continue.
| So i searched again and came along another article no. 304872.There
it said a have to find the Branding reg key(?).It explains what it
should be.But i 've got 4 keys that start with'>' and if i look to the
components ID value there isn't any that got this value set
to'Branding.cap'.Si if i can't find any,i can't change the
reg_dword-value from 1 to 0.
| Can anybody please help me?!!
| Thanks!!



If you read my message,i say that i already tried that but the error i'm talking about pops up.So i tried the other mentioned in the message)to solve it but can't find the branding reg.key!

Thank you!

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