I try to make an application in VB.NET that can read a Belgian EID but
I have some problems.
when I execute the function GetID, it returns 0 (retstatus), wich means
that everything was OK, but the two parameters I have given with the
function: MapColID and CertifCheck, are still nothing. MapColID
normally contains the data.
I use the following DLL's:
AxInterop.EIDLIBCTRLLib (description: EIDLibCtrl 1.0 Type Library) -->
DLL of the activeX component axeidlib
Interop.EIDLIBCTRLLib (description: EIDLibCtrl 1.0 Type Library)
Does anyone know what the problem is?
this is my code:
Private Sub ibtnlezen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles ibtnlezen.Click
Dim lHandle As Integer
'BEID_ Kaart Info
Dim strCardNumber As String
Dim strchipnumber As String
Dim strBegValDag, strBegVal, strBegValMaand As Object
Dim strBegValJaar As String
Dim strEndValDag, strEndVal, strEndValMaand As Object
Dim strEndValJaar As String
Dim strIssuingMunicipality As String
'BEID Persoons Info
Dim strName As String
Dim strFirstName1 As String
Dim strBirthPlace As String
Dim strBirthDate As String
Dim strGender As String
Dim strNationality As String
Dim strNationalNumber As String
Dim RetStatus As EIDLIBCTRLLib.RetStatus
Dim MapColPicture As New EIDLIBCTRLLib.MapCollection
Dim MapColID As New EIDLIBCTRLLib.MapCollection
Dim MapColAddress As New EIDLIBCTRLLib.MapCollection
Dim CertifCheck As New EIDLIBCTRLLib.CertifCheck
RetStatus = AxEIDlib1.Init("", 0, 0, lHandle)
If (RetStatus.GetGeneral = 0) Then
RetStatus = AxEIDlib1.GetID(MapColID, CertifCheck)
strName = MapColID.GetValue("Name")
strchipnumber = MapColID.GetValue("ChipNumber")
strCardNumber = MapColID.GetValue("CardNumber")
strBegVal = MapColID.GetValue("BeginValidityDate")
strEndVal = MapColID.GetValue("EndValidityDate")
strIssuingMunicipality =
strFirstName1 = MapColID.GetValue("FirstName1")
strBirthDate = MapColID.GetValue("BirthDate")
strBirthPlace = MapColID.GetValue("BirthPlace")
strGender = MapColID.GetValue("Gender")
strNationality = MapColID.GetValue("Nationality")
strNationalNumber = MapColID.GetValue("NationalNumber")
End If
Thanx in advance
I try to make an application in VB.NET that can read a Belgian EID but
I have some problems.
when I execute the function GetID, it returns 0 (retstatus), wich means
that everything was OK, but the two parameters I have given with the
function: MapColID and CertifCheck, are still nothing. MapColID
normally contains the data.
I use the following DLL's:
AxInterop.EIDLIBCTRLLib (description: EIDLibCtrl 1.0 Type Library) -->
DLL of the activeX component axeidlib
Interop.EIDLIBCTRLLib (description: EIDLibCtrl 1.0 Type Library)
Does anyone know what the problem is?
this is my code:
Private Sub ibtnlezen_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs) Handles ibtnlezen.Click
Dim lHandle As Integer
'BEID_ Kaart Info
Dim strCardNumber As String
Dim strchipnumber As String
Dim strBegValDag, strBegVal, strBegValMaand As Object
Dim strBegValJaar As String
Dim strEndValDag, strEndVal, strEndValMaand As Object
Dim strEndValJaar As String
Dim strIssuingMunicipality As String
'BEID Persoons Info
Dim strName As String
Dim strFirstName1 As String
Dim strBirthPlace As String
Dim strBirthDate As String
Dim strGender As String
Dim strNationality As String
Dim strNationalNumber As String
Dim RetStatus As EIDLIBCTRLLib.RetStatus
Dim MapColPicture As New EIDLIBCTRLLib.MapCollection
Dim MapColID As New EIDLIBCTRLLib.MapCollection
Dim MapColAddress As New EIDLIBCTRLLib.MapCollection
Dim CertifCheck As New EIDLIBCTRLLib.CertifCheck
RetStatus = AxEIDlib1.Init("", 0, 0, lHandle)
If (RetStatus.GetGeneral = 0) Then
RetStatus = AxEIDlib1.GetID(MapColID, CertifCheck)
strName = MapColID.GetValue("Name")
strchipnumber = MapColID.GetValue("ChipNumber")
strCardNumber = MapColID.GetValue("CardNumber")
strBegVal = MapColID.GetValue("BeginValidityDate")
strEndVal = MapColID.GetValue("EndValidityDate")
strIssuingMunicipality =
strFirstName1 = MapColID.GetValue("FirstName1")
strBirthDate = MapColID.GetValue("BirthDate")
strBirthPlace = MapColID.GetValue("BirthPlace")
strGender = MapColID.GetValue("Gender")
strNationality = MapColID.GetValue("Nationality")
strNationalNumber = MapColID.GetValue("NationalNumber")
End If
Thanx in advance