Problems opening web pages


Judy Bednar

I have only been on XP Pro for a week, upgraded from 98SE. Managed to
collect the Nachi worm immediately I connected to the internet, but that has
now been fixed. Have Virus checker, Zone Alarm Pro, Spybot and Adaware
installed. Have trouble opening web pages, including my bank. The bank
got me to download a java fix, so now I can open my bank account, but still
can't open lots of others (including my ISP's home page, or rather the timer
that shows on that page)

Some I've fixed by making them "Trusted Zone", but some even that didn't
fix, and some I don't really "trust" that much.

Some pages say that I have to enable cookies before I can open them, but
they ARE enabled, In fact, my internet settings are now on LOW. These are
all pages I have been using for years with no problems. What do I do
(besides reformat and start again)?

BTW, I've hardly installed anything else, want to sort out Windows first -
not even Office is installed yet.


Peter Hutchison

I have only been on XP Pro for a week, upgraded from 98SE. Managed to
collect the Nachi worm immediately I connected to the internet, but that has
now been fixed. Have Virus checker, Zone Alarm Pro, Spybot and Adaware
installed. Have trouble opening web pages, including my bank. The bank
got me to download a java fix, so now I can open my bank account, but still
can't open lots of others (including my ISP's home page, or rather the timer
that shows on that page)

Some I've fixed by making them "Trusted Zone", but some even that didn't
fix, and some I don't really "trust" that much.

Some pages say that I have to enable cookies before I can open them, but
they ARE enabled, In fact, my internet settings are now on LOW. These are
all pages I have been using for years with no problems. What do I do
(besides reformat and start again)?

BTW, I've hardly installed anything else, want to sort out Windows first -
not even Office is installed yet.

Try disabling Zone Alarm and see if that allows access to web pages.
Download latest version of ZA and double check that the correct ports
(HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP3 etc) are open and all the correct
applications have access to the internet.

Peter Hutchison
Windows FAQ

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