Magnus Bergh
I got a weird problem with designer. I have created a spearate assembly
(DLL) containing my dataset classes and other classes which are shared
bewteen the projects in the solution.
When I try to open any form that use the dataset class or any of other
classes in the referenced assembly I get varoius errors in designer.
Looks like every time I open VS I need to do a) Rebuild solution, b)
Clean Solution and then I can open the forms. Sometimes I need to mess
around with Rebuild/Build clear etc to finally make it possibe to open
the forms.
Everything might look fine and forms open as they should. Then I close
the project and repopen and same problem again.
Any ideas why I have these problems? I don't have any problems when
dataset and other classes is in the same project.
I can compile and deploy the solution with no problems and it runs fine.
Some examples of errors I get in designer:
"Unable to cast object of type
'Microsoft.CompactFramework.Design.UnsafeComponent' to type
'System.Data.DataSet'. "
"The variable 'FutDataSet' is either undeclared or was never assigned."
(DLL) containing my dataset classes and other classes which are shared
bewteen the projects in the solution.
When I try to open any form that use the dataset class or any of other
classes in the referenced assembly I get varoius errors in designer.
Looks like every time I open VS I need to do a) Rebuild solution, b)
Clean Solution and then I can open the forms. Sometimes I need to mess
around with Rebuild/Build clear etc to finally make it possibe to open
the forms.
Everything might look fine and forms open as they should. Then I close
the project and repopen and same problem again.
Any ideas why I have these problems? I don't have any problems when
dataset and other classes is in the same project.
I can compile and deploy the solution with no problems and it runs fine.
Some examples of errors I get in designer:
"Unable to cast object of type
'Microsoft.CompactFramework.Design.UnsafeComponent' to type
'System.Data.DataSet'. "
"The variable 'FutDataSet' is either undeclared or was never assigned."