Problems in pastin excel charts

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When I paste excel chart to Power Point as a link, the chart is located in
upper left corner so that part of the chart appears to be missing. This
problem occurs only when I paste charts as links.

Can somebody tell me how to fix this problem. I´m using Paralles desktop for
Mac so could that be the problem?

Thank you.
When I paste excel chart to Power Point as a link, the chart is located in
upper left corner so that part of the chart appears to be missing. This
problem occurs only when I paste charts as links.

Can somebody tell me how to fix this problem. I´m using Paralles desktop for
Mac so could that be the problem?

Could be, but let's not rush to judgement.

First, what version of PowerPoint and Windows do you use? For PPT, see Help,
About and give the full version, service pack and build number.

Next, explain how you've set up your chart in Excel (on a worksheet or a
separate chartsheet) and exactly how you're getting the chart from Excel into
PPT. There are several ways of doing it and they behave differently.

Imagine you're teaching your granny (who's never used PPT or Excel before) how
do this. Details. Lots. Don't worry ... you won't insult us.
Thank you for helping me in this matter.

I use XP Professional (service pack 2 / version 2600) and Office 2007
Professional. My Office is in finnish, so I hope the language barrier wont be
too big of a problem because I have to translate the commands.

Ok, granny here we go:)

In Excel I have the data sheet where I have the numbers and text for my
diagram. I paint the text and the numbers. Then I add an diagram and place it
as a new sheet. After that I copy the diagram (Ctrl+c) and paste it to Power
Point. In PPT I create a new slide and choose paste as and from the dialog
box I choose paste as a link.

The diagram appears on the slide but the picture is located in the upper
left corner in the frame and it´s visible only partially. Also the color has
changed from blue to green. When I paste the diagram as a jpeg or as a
windows metafile, then it appears on the slide as it should and also the
color is the original.

If I create the diagram in Excel as a new object so that it´s located on the
same sheet as the numbers / data and paste it as a link, it shows in PPT as
it should.

I prefer keeping the diagrams on their own sheets so that is not a solution
to my problem.

I would be very grateful if you could help me with this. If you need some
additional information I do my best to give you that.

Best regards Janne

"Steve Rindsberg" kirjoitti:
Hmm. Granny wasn't able to make her copy of PPT misbehave. At least not in *this*
way. She *has* had to beat it with her umbrella to settle a few other disagreements,

Let me ask this: are you saving your copy of the Excel file before you create the
link? Past versions of PPT won't allow creating a link until the original XLS file
has been saved. PPT 2007 allows you to Paste Link when the original file hasn't been
saved yet. This makes no sense to me; what does it think it's linking TO? There's
no file.
Hi again and thank you for your reply. This time I will leave granny by
herself and ignore her.

I got a bit further in positioning my problem. If I zoom the diagram which
is located (on its own sheet) in Excel more than 184 % and paste it after
that as a link, the problem disappears. After I have paste it and go back to
Excel and then minimize it back to for example 100 % and return to PPT and
choose update link, then the problem occurs again. So it appears that the
problem has something or everything to do with the picture size. Can you
figure that out? And if you can, do you think there is anything I can do to
it or do I have to operate in the future with oversize pictures?

Thank you again.

Br. Janne

"Steve Rindsberg" kirjoitti:
Paste linking shows the image that actually exists in Excel. You say
you have the chart on its own sheet. Is that a worksheet or a
chartsheet? Place the chart on a chartsheet and I would bet you won't
have any problems from Excel. If you still have problems it is
probably coming from somewhere else.

Brian Reilly, MVP

When I create the diagram it appears first on the same sheet where the data
is. Then I move the diagram on it´s own sheet by clicking right side of the
mouse and choosing -move diagram- and then -new chart. After that I paste it
as a link and the problems occur unless I zoom it oversize.

If I instead leave the diagram as a new object on the same sheet where the
data is or as a new object on a new worksheet, then I can paste it as a link
without any problems. Although if I resize the worksheet and update the link
in PPT, it effects there also (as it should, I guess). But the difference is
that resizing does not effect on the diagrams location within the frame.
Instead the whole frame gets bigger or smaller, but the diagram inside stays
in the center where it should.

If I do the same when the diagram is located on it´s own chart sheet then
the diagram (in PPT after updating link) moves inside the frame so that part
of it moves outside the frame.

Maybe I´m doing something wrong because I´m not used to work with Office
2007 instead I have used Office 2003 in PC and there I never had these kind
of problems. Now I don´t have PC so that I could try the same thing in there.
I only have Parallels and Mac.

Br. Janne

"Brian Reilly, MVP" kirjoitti:

I have just transitioned to Office 2007 and am having this exact same
problem. I have spent the past five hours trying to figure out how to
fix this and am still nowhere with this. I vaguely remember having
this same problem many years ago with pasting excel charts into
powerpoint and that the way to fix this was to turn off the "size
chart with window" option in the excel workbook. Unfortunately this
particular feature has been removed from Excel 2007. I have yet to
figure out a way around this other than to have all of my charts in
excel always zoomed to 200%. This really sucks!


It´s nice to know that I´m not the only one with this problem. Although I´ve
been able to find atleast an partial solution to the problem. I noticed that
the excel charts are actually links when I copy paste them to PP. Even if I
copy them without selecting paste as link -option.

The linking applies to numbers but not f.ex to the colours etc. After
copying the excel charts to PP I can change the numbers at excel and find
that they have also changed at PP.

In Office 2007 I can also modifie the PP-slides after copying them from
excel which wasn´t the case in the earlier version. All this is pretty
confusing and I think that earlier version was somehow simpler.

I have also trouble disconnecting the links. When I reopen PP it ask´s if I
want to update the links. There shouldn´t be any links left because I have
already chosen disconnetc. When I modify the links, there isn´t left any real
links but there is ritten NULL. I dont know what that means.

I know I´m doing something wrong but what?

If you find the right way to create links or find some solutions to the
problem, please keep me updated.

Br. Janne

"(e-mail address removed)" kirjoitti:
Hi all!

I have also been experienceing this problem.

I also noticed that the chart updated itself when using a regular
copy/paste, but then when you save the document and reopens it is not
possible anymore.

The zoom thing was new for me, and it seems to work, thanks a lot.

One more discovery I have made if you have the chart as a part of an regular
sheet and saves both documents, close them and open the PP document and
updates the link, the link will be broken when you reopens it.

This null links i have also seen, but haven't got any more info about that.

Perhaps all we can do is to wait for an update of office2007. Meanwhile I
guess we will have to Zoom in on our charts really close =o).

Hi all,

I have been experiencing the same problem myself. I have tried US-
English versions of Office 2007 on both XP and Vista and the problem

In (Office) Excel 2003, I would create a chart on its own separate
chart sheet. Then, in Powerpoint 2003, I would use "Paste Special" and
choose "Paste link" option to paste it. It would work beautifully
since any changes in Excel chart could be updated in Powerpoint using
"Update Link". (Unfortunately, options to make any changes to link
name were very limited, but that's a separate gripe).

However, when I do the exact same thing in Office 2007, the chart is
off-center in Powerpoint. The lower-right part of the chart is pushed
to the upper-left part of the containing box, leaving an empty space
in lower-right corner of containing box. It is definitely a bug, and a
pretty glaring one, which has essentially made Office 2007 useless for
my purposes. I hope this bug is fixed soon. Please email me at
(e-mail address removed) if you discover a workaround to this issue.

-- SS