Problems Importing Excel Files to an Existing Table

  • Thread starter Thread starter TomP
  • Start date Start date



Gather and collect my data in a spreadsheet. Information is then ready to
be transferred to MS Access.

File is successfully transferred to MS Access for screening.


Having problems importing additional data to the existing table. MS Access
will give me an error "An error occurred trying to import file .... The file
was not imported"

Steps I've taken were...

The first row contains the same field names as the current table
Each cell contains values (no formulas)

Any help in importing data to the current table would be great!

Thank you!


The problem lies somewhere in that particular worksheet.
There can be problems with numbers saved as text.
There can be problems with date and time formats - that access has trouble
Check the column headings for spaces or strange characters.
There can be problems with formats on the worksheet.
There can be problems with empty cells in Excel with time formats.
There can be problems with the way the worksheet is set up.
To check this, in excel, select the worksheet by clicking on the empty
square at the intersection of the top of the row numbers and the left most
of the column headings.
Go Ctl + End and see where the worksheet ends. By default Access will import
all the cells that you can see selected - there may be some problem with
empty cells with formats that are a problem for Access to import or that
don't match the fields in your import table.

If none of the above work, import it into a new table, check each field to
see if access had a problem with formats.
You may find that if you create a half-way import table with all fields as
text type, you can import into this half-way table.
If this works, then set up append queries to move the data into the fields
in the real table.
You may need to convert some fields from text type to the appropriate type -
number or date fields.
A trouble shooting approach is to do the import one column/field at a time.
Import only the 1st column from the worksheet. If that imports OK, try the
next column. You can work your way through like this and discover which
columns are a problem for access to import.

Check if the worksheet is protected, remove protection and try again.

Jeanette Cunningham