I am new to Access and would be pleased if someone could
help me.
Sometimes when data is imported to Word from Access,
phone numbers and other info is omitted from our ads.
There is also a problem with data being duplicated. To
the best of my knowledge, the data is exported to word
from a combo box. It does not appear to be a problem
with the length of the field since longer ads are
imported without a problem. Any help regarding this
matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
help me.
Sometimes when data is imported to Word from Access,
phone numbers and other info is omitted from our ads.
There is also a problem with data being duplicated. To
the best of my knowledge, the data is exported to word
from a combo box. It does not appear to be a problem
with the length of the field since longer ads are
imported without a problem. Any help regarding this
matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.