I am attempting, for the first time, to use SQLCommand in asp.net . My
ultimate goal is to utilize a stored proc. When I use the following
code to begin, I get several error messages. I hope someone can explain
these to me and let me know what I need to do to correctly implement
the SQLCommand in my code.
Public NotInheritable Class SqlCommand
Inherits System.ComponentModel.Component
Implements IDbCommand, ICloneable
End Class
The messages I get are :
1)'Approved.SQLCommand' must implement Overrideable Sub Prepare() for
interface 'System.Data.IDbCommand'
2)'Approved.SQLCommand' must implement Overrideable Function Clone() as
object for interface 'System.ICloneable'
I did attempt to add Function Clone() as object and seemed to open up
another can of worms. I have spent many hours on the internet and
looking through MSDN material but am either not understanding or not
finding exactly what I need.
Thank you in advance for your help.
ultimate goal is to utilize a stored proc. When I use the following
code to begin, I get several error messages. I hope someone can explain
these to me and let me know what I need to do to correctly implement
the SQLCommand in my code.
Public NotInheritable Class SqlCommand
Inherits System.ComponentModel.Component
Implements IDbCommand, ICloneable
End Class
The messages I get are :
1)'Approved.SQLCommand' must implement Overrideable Sub Prepare() for
interface 'System.Data.IDbCommand'
2)'Approved.SQLCommand' must implement Overrideable Function Clone() as
object for interface 'System.ICloneable'
I did attempt to add Function Clone() as object and seemed to open up
another can of worms. I have spent many hours on the internet and
looking through MSDN material but am either not understanding or not
finding exactly what I need.
Thank you in advance for your help.