Okay.., I managed to get things tweaked so that the TimeStampFile
routine will also handle new unsaved files. The previously posted
'Test_' routine has been revised accordingly.
I invite any feedback...
Sub TimeStampFile(Optional Wkb As Workbook, Optional SavePath$, _
Optional Filename$, Optional AddNameStamp As Boolean,
Optional SaveAsCopy As Boolean = True)
' Puts a date/time stamp on Wkb filename.
' Formats timestamp appropriate for use in filenames.
' ArgsIn:
' Wkb Ref to the workbook having its filename timestamped;
' If not specified then ref defaults to
' If Wkb is a new unsaved workbook then next 2 args
must be valid.
' SavePath Allows specifying a new path;
' If not specified Wkb.Path is used.
' Req'd if Wkb is a new unsaved workbook.
' Filename Allows renaming root filename;
' If not specified Wkb.Name is used.
' Req'd if Wkb is a new unsaved workbook.
' AddNameStamp True to put username between filename and timestamp;
' Default = False.
' SaveAsCopy True saves a copy of Wkb; (Default)
' Note: This DOES NOT alter the original file.
' False saves Wkb as specified in 'SavePath' and/or
' Note: This DOES alter the original file.
Dim sFile$, sNameStamp$, vFileInfo
'Get a fully qualified ref to the workbook
If Wkb Is Nothing Then Set Wkb = ActiveWorkbook
If SavePath <> "" Then
If Right(SavePath, 1) <> "\" Then SavePath = SavePath & "\"
End If 'SavePath <> ""
'Make sure we have a file extension
vFileInfo = Split(Wkb.FullName, ".")
'If no file ext then it's an unsaved file,
'and so has no path yet.
If LBound(vFileInfo) = UBound(vFileInfo) Then
If SavePath <> "" And Filename <> "" Then
'Use the new file info
vFileInfo = Split(Filename, ".")
vFileInfo(0) = SavePath & vFileInfo(0)
vFileInfo(1) = "." & vFileInfo(1) '//restore dot to file ext.
sFile = vFileInfo(0): GoTo StampIt
Else '//abort
Exit Sub
End If
End If 'LBound=UBound
vFileInfo(1) = "." & vFileInfo(1) '//restore dot to file ext.
sFile = vFileInfo(0)
If SavePath <> "" Then sFile = SavePath & Split(Wkb.Name, ".")(0)
If Filename <> "" Then sFile = Replace(sFile, Split(Wkb.Name,
".")(0), Filename)
'Separate name from stamps so filename is easy to read
vFileInfo(0) = sFile & "_"
If AddNameStamp Then vFileInfo(0) = vFileInfo(0) &
Environ("username") & "_"
'Separate timestamp parts so they're easy to read
sFile = Join(vFileInfo, Format(Now(), "dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm_AMPM"))
'Creat the new file
If SaveAsCopy Then Wkb.SaveCopyAs sFile Else Wkb.SaveAs sFile
End Sub
Sub Test_TimeStampFile()
'To save a copy of ActiveWorkbook to its .Path
'To save a copy of ActiveWorkbook to a different path
TimeStampFile SavePath:="C:\Users\Garry\Documents\VBA_Stuff"
'To save a copy of ActiveWorkbook to a different path,
'with a different filename.
'Note: This is the minimum requirement for a new unsaved workbook
TimeStampFile SavePath:="C:\Users\Garry\Documents\VBA_Stuff", _
'To save a copy of ActiveWorkbook to a different path,
'with a namestamp.
TimeStampFile SavePath:="C:\Users\Garry\Documents\VBA_Stuff", _
'To do same for a specified 'open' Workbook, add:
TimeStampFile Wkb:=ThisWorkbook
TimeStampFile Wkb:=Workbooks("MyFile.xls")
End Sub
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