Problems displaying the results of a query???

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nadine
  • Start date Start date


Ok so I have a problem! I am creating a simple (or suppose to be
simple) Access application. On one of my pages users can select search
criteria from multiple drop downs to get their results. My problem is
displaying the results I have the qurey worked out and am now stuck!
Any help would be appreciated. Here is the code I have so far.

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strSQL As String

'Create a connection to the current Database
Dim cnHospList As ADODB.Connection
Set cnHospList = CurrentProject.Connection

strSQL = "Select * From [tblHospitalNames] "

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [cihi_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] & ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [ha_id] = " & Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName]
& ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [hsda_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] & ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [lha_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] & ""
End If

strSQL = strSQL & " Order By [hosp_id]"

cnHospList.Execute (strSQL)

End Sub

I'm not sure about the SQL, but if you do that code in the Form_Load event,
it will happen before the user ever gets a chance to enter/select anything
on the form.

Another approach is to add a command button that creates the "on-the-fly"
SQL statement.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>
This code is done on the form load of the page that I am using to
display the results not the page where they do there selecting. I am
still confused as to how to get the results of this qurey on the
page??? PLEASE anyone know?

A form (a screen, a "page") can be unbound, or can be bound to a recordset.
Both a table and a query return a recordset. Bind your "page" (in Access,
they're called "forms") to the query.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>
Nadine said:
Ok so I have a problem! I am creating a simple (or suppose to be
simple) Access application. On one of my pages users can select search
criteria from multiple drop downs to get their results. My problem is
displaying the results I have the qurey worked out and am now stuck!
Any help would be appreciated. Here is the code I have so far.

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strSQL As String

'Create a connection to the current Database
Dim cnHospList As ADODB.Connection
Set cnHospList = CurrentProject.Connection

strSQL = "Select * From [tblHospitalNames] "

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [cihi_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] & ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [ha_id] = " & Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName]
& ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [hsda_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] & ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [lha_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] & ""
End If

strSQL = strSQL & " Order By [hosp_id]"

cnHospList.Execute (strSQL)

End Sub

Hi Nadine,

Pardon me for butting in, but it sure
looks like this is what you wanted?

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strSQL As String
Dim rs as ADODB.Recordset

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

strSQL = "Select * From [tblHospitalNames] "

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [cihi_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider]
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (1=1) "
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [ha_id] = " & Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName]
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [hsda_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName]
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [lha_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName]
End If

strSQL = strSQL & " Order By [hosp_id]"

rs.Open _
Source := strSQL, _
CursorType := adOpenKeyset, _
LockType := adLockOptimistic

Set Me.Recordset = rs

Set rs = Nothing

End Sub

Again, apologies for butting in
(especially if I was wrong).

Good luck,

Gary Walter
a better form of test for your If/Then stmts might be

If Len(Trim(Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] & ""))>0 Then

Good luck,

Gary Walter

Gary Walter said:
Nadine said:
Ok so I have a problem! I am creating a simple (or suppose to be
simple) Access application. On one of my pages users can select search
criteria from multiple drop downs to get their results. My problem is
displaying the results I have the qurey worked out and am now stuck!
Any help would be appreciated. Here is the code I have so far.

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strSQL As String

'Create a connection to the current Database
Dim cnHospList As ADODB.Connection
Set cnHospList = CurrentProject.Connection

strSQL = "Select * From [tblHospitalNames] "

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [cihi_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] & ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [ha_id] = " & Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName]
& ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [hsda_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] & ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [lha_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] & ""
End If

strSQL = strSQL & " Order By [hosp_id]"

cnHospList.Execute (strSQL)

End Sub

Hi Nadine,

Pardon me for butting in, but it sure
looks like this is what you wanted?

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strSQL As String
Dim rs as ADODB.Recordset

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

strSQL = "Select * From [tblHospitalNames] "

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [cihi_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider]
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (1=1) "
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [ha_id] = " & Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName]
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [hsda_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName]
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [lha_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName]
End If

strSQL = strSQL & " Order By [hosp_id]"

rs.Open _
Source := strSQL, _
CursorType := adOpenKeyset, _
LockType := adLockOptimistic

Set Me.Recordset = rs

Set rs = Nothing

End Sub

Again, apologies for butting in
(especially if I was wrong).

Good luck,

Gary Walter
I think your right I think this is what I am looking for but when I
try and test it I am getting an error "No value given for one or more
required parameters". Then it high lights this peice of code:
rs.Open _
Source := strSQL, _
CursorType := adOpenKeyset, _
LockType := adLockOptimistic

When I mouse over the strSQL, adOpenKeyset, and adLockOptimistic I am
seeing values so what I am missing?

Gary Walter said:
Nadine said:
Ok so I have a problem! I am creating a simple (or suppose to be
simple) Access application. On one of my pages users can select search
criteria from multiple drop downs to get their results. My problem is
displaying the results I have the qurey worked out and am now stuck!
Any help would be appreciated. Here is the code I have so far.

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strSQL As String

'Create a connection to the current Database
Dim cnHospList As ADODB.Connection
Set cnHospList = CurrentProject.Connection

strSQL = "Select * From [tblHospitalNames] "

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [cihi_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] & ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [ha_id] = " & Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName]
& ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [hsda_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] & ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [lha_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] & ""
End If

strSQL = strSQL & " Order By [hosp_id]"

cnHospList.Execute (strSQL)

End Sub

Hi Nadine,

Pardon me for butting in, but it sure
looks like this is what you wanted?

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strSQL As String
Dim rs as ADODB.Recordset

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

strSQL = "Select * From [tblHospitalNames] "

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [cihi_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider]
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (1=1) "
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [ha_id] = " & Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName]
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [hsda_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName]
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [lha_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName]
End If

strSQL = strSQL & " Order By [hosp_id]"

rs.Open _
Source := strSQL, _
CursorType := adOpenKeyset, _
LockType := adLockOptimistic

Set Me.Recordset = rs

Set rs = Nothing

End Sub

Again, apologies for butting in
(especially if I was wrong).

Good luck,

Gary Walter
Ok so I figured out why I was getting the "No value given for one or
more required parameters" and the code you gave me works in returning
the results I want but how do I get the results to display??? Right
now I have text boxes on the form unbound and when I run the formload
it is pulling back 87 blank text boxes? So how do I get the records to
appear? I tried doing the control source but because the record source
is coming from code so I can't just use the control source drop down
feature. I did some searching thinking that I could assing the control
source of the text box in code and read that I can not do this. Is
that true? Please help I need to get these records to display on my

Gary Walter said:
Nadine said:
Ok so I have a problem! I am creating a simple (or suppose to be
simple) Access application. On one of my pages users can select search
criteria from multiple drop downs to get their results. My problem is
displaying the results I have the qurey worked out and am now stuck!
Any help would be appreciated. Here is the code I have so far.

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strSQL As String

'Create a connection to the current Database
Dim cnHospList As ADODB.Connection
Set cnHospList = CurrentProject.Connection

strSQL = "Select * From [tblHospitalNames] "

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [cihi_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] & ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [ha_id] = " & Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName]
& ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [hsda_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] & ""
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [lha_id] = " &
Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] & ""
End If

strSQL = strSQL & " Order By [hosp_id]"

cnHospList.Execute (strSQL)

End Sub

Hi Nadine,

Pardon me for butting in, but it sure
looks like this is what you wanted?

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim strSQL As String
Dim rs as ADODB.Recordset

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

strSQL = "Select * From [tblHospitalNames] "

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & "Where [cihi_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbProvider]
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (1=1) "
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [ha_id] = " & Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHAName]
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [hsda_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbHSDAName]
End If

If Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName] <> " " Then
strSQL = strSQL & " AND [lha_id] = " _
& Forms!ViewHospBy![cmbLHAName]
End If

strSQL = strSQL & " Order By [hosp_id]"

rs.Open _
Source := strSQL, _
CursorType := adOpenKeyset, _
LockType := adLockOptimistic

Set Me.Recordset = rs

Set rs = Nothing

End Sub

Again, apologies for butting in
(especially if I was wrong).

Good luck,

Gary Walter
Nadine said:
Ok so I figured out why I was getting the "No value given for one or
more required parameters" and the code you gave me works in returning
the results I want but how do I get the results to display??? Right
now I have text boxes on the form unbound and when I run the formload
it is pulling back 87 blank text boxes? So how do I get the records to
appear? I tried doing the control source but because the record source
is coming from code so I can't just use the control source drop down
feature. I did some searching thinking that I could assing the control
source of the text box in code and read that I can not do this. Is
that true? Please help I need to get these records to display on my

Hi Nadine,

Looks to me like you have 2 options.

1) Just design a new form using tblHospitalNames.

Once you are satisfied with the design,
unbind it from tblHospitalNames,
then use the code in the form_open event
of this new form.

Delete your old form and rename this new form
to old form name.

2) Comment out the form_open code,

bind your form to tblHospitalNames,

complete the design,

then unbind from tblHospitalNames,
and restore your form_open code.

Please respond back if I have misunderstood
or was not clear about something.

Good luck,

Gary Walter