Problems displaying the correct form when converting a mailitem

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Using VSTO 2005 SE and Outlook 2003 (SP2), I am attempting to take a message
that resides in the inbox, copy it to another folder, present it to the user
for editing and be done. Upon selection of a context menu entry the
following code is executed which simply copies the message, changes the
message class, saves the message, moves it to a the destination folder and
displays the message for editing. "IFGXChange" is a form published on the
destination folder and to be sure I even published it on the inbox.

My issue is that when I invoke the Display of that message it is displayed
using the default form and not the one which is affiliated with the message
class. However, if I close the message and then view the message from the
target folder it is displayed using the correct form.

Is there something obvious I am missing in order to get the correct form
displayed for editing the message.

Outlook.MailItem copyMail = mail.Copy() as Outlook.MailItem;
copyMail.MessageClass = "IPM.Note.IFGXChange";
copyMail.To = "P-US-Interfaces Tech";


catch (Exception exception)
After you move the email release it and probably call
Marshal.Release.ComObject on it. Before that get the EntryID and StoreID of
the item (StoreID from item.Parent.EntryID after the move). Then
reinstantiate the item from the ID's and open that. If necessary set the
message class again of the item before you call Display() on it.
I changed the code to do as you suggested. I haven't been able to get to the
display issue because the GetItemFromID throws an exception. I had the
assignment of the mailItem's EntryID both before and after the MOVE. I
wasn't sure if the EntryID would change after the move. The curious thing
is that the EntryID that is being returned from the copied mailItem is the
same everytime. I am using the StoreID property of the destination
MAPIFolder "_oTechFolder".

The exception from GetItemFromID is "Operation Failed"....any advice?

private void DisplayIFGMessage(string sMailId)
Outlook.MailItem ifgMail = _NameSpace.GetItemFromID(sMailId,
_oTechFolder.StoreID) as Outlook.MailItem;
catch (Exception exception)
_StreamWriter.WriteLine("EXCEPTION: " + exception.Message);

private void ConvertToIFGMessage(Outlook.MailItem mail)
string sMailId = null;
Outlook.MailItem copyMail = mail.Copy() as Outlook.MailItem;
copyMail.MessageClass = "IPM.Note.IFGXChange";
copyMail.To = "P-US-Interfaces Tech";

// TRIED HERE AS WELL; placed after move.
// sMailId = copyMail.EntryID;


sMailId = copyMail.EntryID;

copyMail = null;
catch (Exception exception)
_StreamWriter.WriteLine("EXCEPTION: " + exception.Message);

_StreamWriter.WriteLine("MAIL ID: " + sMailId);


Whether or not the EntryID changes after move/delete depends on the store
provider. In Exchange it does change. In PST files it usually does not.

If the EntryID is correct then it should work. I might try a direct cast
rather than using As and I might try leaving out the StoreID if the move was
to the same store as the original.

I'd also run the same code in Outlook VBA as a prototype to verify if it was
something else or some .NET thing.