problems creating users in Active directory

  • Thread starter Thread starter Carlettus
  • Start date Start date


Dear All,
sorry but I'm not sure if this is the right place to post my problem.
I was using the following asp code to create users in Active Directory.
Suddenly, and I don't know the reason, users are created but the account is
disabled (see the flag User.AccountDisabled = False ).
There is also another problem even if the user does not exist , the
application returns to me with the message that the user already exist.

Thank you for your support



On Error Resume Next
'/// Variable Declarations

Dim User, Container, TargetContainer, sObjectCommonName, FirstName, LastName
Dim ObjectSAMName, InitialPassword, sUserPrincipalName, sUserPath, sFullName
Dim szUsername, szPassword, sOU, intUAC



sOU = Request.Form("name_ou")

'/// Assign variable values from the form

TargetContainer = "LDAP://OU=" & sOU &
szUsername = (Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER"))
szPassword = Request.Form("password")
ObjectSAMName = Request.Form("acc_logname")
InitialPassword = Request.Form("acc_passwd")
FirstName = Request.Form("acc_firstname")
LastName = Request.Form("acc_lastname")
sObjectCommonName = LastName & "\, " & FirstName
sFullName = FirstName & " " & LastName
sUserPath = "LDAP://CN=" & sObjectCommonName & ",OU=" & sOU &

Set obj1 = GetObject(TargetContainer)

'/// check if a user already exists

Dim strUserName
Sub CheckForUser(samAccountName)
strUserName = samAccountName

'/// Create, configure, and open ADO Connection object

Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.Open "Provider=ADsDSOObject;"

Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection

objCommand.CommandText = _
"<LDAP://OU=" & sOU &
",OU=wss_ou,OU=NAME1,DC=NAME2,DC=NAME3,DC=ORG>;(&(objectCategory=User)" & _
"(samAccountName=" & strUserName & "));samAccountName;subtree"

Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute

If objRecordset.RecordCount = 0 Then

'/// If the user does not exist, then create the account and
'/// populates the object's properties

Set User = obj1.Create("user", "CN=" & sObjectCommonName)
User.Put "sAMAccountName", ObjectSAMName
User.Put "givenName", FirstName
User.Put "sn", LastName
User.Put "userPrincipalName", ObjectSAMName
User.Put "DisplayName", LastName & " " & FirstName
User.Put "Description", "Sharepoint use only: created by " & szUsername

'/// Sets the password and enables the account

intUAC = User.Get("userAccountControl")
User.Put "userAccountControl", ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD

User.SetPassword InitialPassword
User.AccountDisabled = False

If Err.Number = 0 Then

'/// If no errors occur, it displays a success screen

Response.redirect "result.asp"

'/// If an error occurs, it displays an error message

Response.redirect "result_no.asp"
End If

End If

'/// Clean up


End Sub
Dear All,
sorry but I'm not sure if this is the right place to post my problem.

Reminder for the future:
This is an italian-language newsgroup ("IT" stays for "Italian") so please
post question in italian, otherwise you're off topic!

Have a nice day
Most likely an error was raised before the line that enables the account,
but you do not get an error message because error handling is turned off.
Remove the line "On Error Resume Next". If there is a problem, you always
want to know about it.
I'm sorry that we are unable to assist with this request in the newsgroups
as the Partner Support newsgroups are geared towards break-fix scenarios.
It appears that this is a development-related request that would be best
addressed in the developer newsgroups. The developer newsgroups are located

The support professionals there will be able to provide you with more
efficient and suitable suggestions for your development-related needs. (I
believe that they can provide you with better assistance for this kind of
development-related issue.)

For further assistance on this issue, you may also want to contact our
Develop Support Services by telephone so that a dedicated Support
Professional can assist you further with your request. To obtain the phone
numbers for specific technology request please take a look at the web site
listed below:;EN-US;PHONENUMBERS.

Your understanding on this will be greatly appreciated.

| From: "Richard Mueller [MVP]" <[email protected]>
| References: <O#[email protected]>
| In-Reply-To: <O#[email protected]>
| Subject: Re: problems creating users in Active directory
| Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:53:02 -0500
| Lines: 137
| Organization: Hilltop Lab
| X-Priority: 3
| X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
| X-Newsreader: Microsoft Windows Mail 6.0.6000.16386
| X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.0.6000.16386
| X-RFC2646: Format=Flowed; Response
| Message-ID: <[email protected]>
| Newsgroups:,microsoft.public.win2000.active_directory,mic
| NNTP-Posting-Host:
| Path: TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP01.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl
| Xref: TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl
| X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.win2000.active_directory
| Most likely an error was raised before the line that enables the account,
| but you do not get an error message because error handling is turned off.
| Remove the line "On Error Resume Next". If there is a problem, you always
| want to know about it.
| --
| Richard Mueller
| Microsoft MVP Scripting and ADSI
| Hilltop Lab -
| --
| | > Dear All,
| > sorry but I'm not sure if this is the right place to post my problem.
| > I was using the following asp code to create users in Active Directory.
| > Suddenly, and I don't know the reason, users are created but the
| > is disabled (see the flag User.AccountDisabled = False ).
| > There is also another problem even if the user does not exist , the
| > application returns to me with the message that the user already exist.
| >
| > Thank you for your support
| > Carlo
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > ---------------------------------------------------
| >
| > <%
| >
| > On Error Resume Next
| > '/// Variable Declarations
| >
| > Dim User, Container, TargetContainer, sObjectCommonName, FirstName,
| > LastName
| > Dim ObjectSAMName, InitialPassword, sUserPrincipalName, sUserPath,
| > sFullName
| > Dim szUsername, szPassword, sOU, intUAC
| >
| >
| > Const ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD = &h10000
| >
| > sOU = Request.Form("name_ou")
| >
| > '/// Assign variable values from the form
| >
| > TargetContainer = "LDAP://OU=" & sOU &
| > ",OU=wss_ou,OU=NAME1,DC=NAME2,DC=NAME3,DC=ORG"
| > szUsername = (Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER"))
| > szPassword = Request.Form("password")
| > ObjectSAMName = Request.Form("acc_logname")
| > InitialPassword = Request.Form("acc_passwd")
| > FirstName = Request.Form("acc_firstname")
| > LastName = Request.Form("acc_lastname")
| > sObjectCommonName = LastName & "\, " & FirstName
| > sFullName = FirstName & " " & LastName
| > sUserPath = "LDAP://CN=" & sObjectCommonName & ",OU=" & sOU &
| > ",OU=wss_ou,OU=NAME1,DC=NAME2,DC=NAME3,DC=ORG"
| >
| > Set obj1 = GetObject(TargetContainer)
| >
| > '/// check if a user already exists
| >
| > Dim strUserName
| > CheckForUser(ObjectSAMName)
| > Sub CheckForUser(samAccountName)
| > strUserName = samAccountName
| >
| > '/// Create, configure, and open ADO Connection object
| >
| > Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
| > objConnection.Open "Provider=ADsDSOObject;"
| >
| > Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
| > objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
| >
| > objCommand.CommandText = _
| > "<LDAP://OU=" & sOU &
| > ",OU=wss_ou,OU=NAME1,DC=NAME2,DC=NAME3,DC=ORG>;(&(objectCategory=User)"
| > _
| > "(samAccountName=" & strUserName &
| >
| >
| > Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
| >
| > If objRecordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
| >
| >
| > '/// If the user does not exist, then create the account and
| > '/// populates the object's properties
| >
| > Set User = obj1.Create("user", "CN=" & sObjectCommonName)
| > User.Put "sAMAccountName", ObjectSAMName
| > User.Put "givenName", FirstName
| > User.Put "sn", LastName
| > User.Put "userPrincipalName", ObjectSAMName
| > User.Put "DisplayName", LastName & " " & FirstName
| > User.Put "Description", "Sharepoint use only: created by " & szUsername
| > User.SetInfo
| >
| > '/// Sets the password and enables the account
| >
| > intUAC = User.Get("userAccountControl")
| > User.Put "userAccountControl", ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD
| > User.SetInfo
| >
| > User.SetPassword InitialPassword
| > User.AccountDisabled = False
| > User.SetInfo
| >
| > If Err.Number = 0 Then
| >
| > '/// If no errors occur, it displays a success screen
| >
| > Response.redirect "result.asp"
| > Else
| >
| > '/// If an error occurs, it displays an error message
| >
| > Response.redirect "result_no.asp"
| > End If
| >
| > Else
| > End If
| >
| > '/// Clean up
| >
| > objConnection.Close
| >
| > End Sub
| > %>
| >