Problems creating a folder in the Organizational Forms Library

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sander Kooij
  • Start date Start date

Sander Kooij


I am trying to create a folder in the organizational forms library
with the purpose to programmatically publish custom forms in this
folder, so they can be used by other exchange users. To test this, I
have created a sample application in C# which connects to exchange and
creates a test folder.

The problem is that when I try to create a new folder using CDO, I get
the following error:
"[Collaboration Data Objects - [E_ACCESSDENIED(80070005)]]"

This sounds like a simple rights issue, but I have tried practically
everything. I have created a new user, which I have added to the
Administrators group as well as to the Domain Administrators group. I
have granted Full mailbox rights to the this user and I have given the
user full rights on the Public Folders folder in Exchange. This,
unfortunaly does not do the trick. Then I delegated the Exchange Full
Administrator role to the user. With no success.

When I try to create the folder manually in the Exchange System
Manager en then try to publish the form I get the following error:
"You don't have appropriate permission to perform this operation."

This clearly indicates a rights issue, but I don't know where or what
right needs to be set. Has anybody ever encounter the same problem in
an similar situation or does some knows the solution?

Thanks in advance,

- Sander Kooij

Here a snippet from my code:

// ----- Creation of the folder ---
for (int z=1; z < (int)eformsRegistryObjects.Count+1; z++)
// Get Folder and check if the folder is the iXware folder
olvFolder = (MAPI.Folder)eformsRegistryObjects.get_Item(z);
if (olvFolder.Name.Equals("Test Forms"))

// Check if correct folder is found, if not create it
if (olvFolder == null || !olvFolder.Name.Equals("Test Forms"))
// Add Folder
olvFolder = (MAPI.Folder)eformsRegistryObjects.Add("Test

// Get The StoreID and FolderID
StoreID = (string)olvFolder.StoreID;
FolderID = (string)olvFolder.ID;

// ----- Registration of the form ---
// Get Folder
MAPIFolder Folder = olApp.Session.GetFolderFromID(FolderID, StoreID);
if (Folder == null)
return false;

// Publish form in subfolder of organisational form library
formDescription.PublishForm(OlFormRegistry.olFolderRegistry, Folder);
The Org Forms library doesn't support subfolders. Publish forms to the Org Forms library itself.