Problems connecting to Active Directory

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maria Isabel Henao
  • Start date Start date

Maria Isabel Henao


I'm having some problems with my web application when I try to connect to
Active Directory.

The code worked well for months but about 4 weeks ago it stopped working.

I'm using a LDAP path like this: LDAP://DC=domain,DC=com With the
following code:

ADSentry=new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(rutaLDAP);

ADSsearcher=new System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher(ADSentry);


I get a COMException: The specified domain either does not exist or could
not be contact.I n other pieces of code, i get "The network path was not

Do you have any idea about what could be hapening?

Thanks a lot,

Maria Isabel Henao
I recollect getting such errors when I was trying to connect to an iPlanet
ldap server. If I remember right it was an issue related to certificates.

What directory service are you binding to?
Why using Serverless binding?

Hi again,

I didn't write that code, I inherited a web application that uses that piece

code to connect to Active Directory. As I said before, the code used to work

well, but about 4 week ago it stopped working.

I tried the code in a Windows Application and it works fine. Apparently,
some security change was made to the server. What do I need to do to make
this code work...?

or how can I accomplish the same task in a more robust way?
your web app is probably running under anonymous user, which won't
authenticate to AD, so you'll need to impersonate another account.