Problems booting up Vista after partitioning


Matt Orr

I recently purchased a new laptop with Vista preinstalled, and am now having
problems booting it up. After the screen with the loading bar, the monitor
shows a black screen with the cursor. This problem all started when I was
partitioning the HDD; my laptop shut down before the process was finished and
I have been unable to boot from the HDD since. The repair options have been
used to no avail, and I am reluctant to use any recovery tools that would
delete all of my files. Although, by booting other OS's I own from their
discs, I have been able to access the files on the drive. I just find it
annoying to reinstall all my programs, so if their is another way to fix the
Vista boot up problem without deleting all of my files and programs, I would
love to hear it. Thanks for any help you can give!


Try an F8 safe mode boot. Possibly you somehow changed the size of the
partition the OS is in to the point that it can no longer load or some of
its critical files were lost.
At least since you can access the files using other OS's booted directly
into memory you can then copy out all of your data and files program
installation files to CDs before you restore the system.

Matt Orr

I've tried the safe mode boot, and I have run all of the diagnostic options
available at boot up (test memory etc.). In the end, I always get that black
screen with the movable cursor.

Timothy Daniels

Matt Orr said:
I recently purchased a new laptop with Vista preinstalled, and
am now having problems booting it up. After the screen with
the loading bar, the monitor shows a black screen with the cursor.
This problem all started when I was partitioning the HDD; my
laptop shut down before the process was finished and I have
been unable to boot from the HDD since...

Give details on the partitioning. Did you shrink the Vista
partition? If so, using what utility? Was that successful?
Did you try to move the shrunken partition? If so, using what
utility? Was that successful?
Did you try to add a partition in front of or behind the Vista
paritition? If so, what kind of partition? Using what utility?
Details are important. The more you give, the more likely that
someone will be able to help you.


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