Problems accessing the " C drive Disk " Through Start menu My Computer.



Hi to all

I loaded a game on my system that a friend burned for me and bang my machine has been screwed up ever since( A painful lesson indeed). The first and most painful problem I have been having is that I can't seem to access my "C" drive through the Start Menu My Computer. What is weird about this is that I can however access the "C Drive " through other programs like Windows Media or Word and go to the various files I have. But I can't use " My Computer or the Control Panel icon in My Start Menu' evertime I try, the mouse icon show a busy signal then after a few seconds it stops and then the system freezes/really slow.
I know for a fact that it was game my friend gave me that is causing this problem and not a virus, the other side effect I got was that the game loaded an older version of Direct X that was causing the graphics to be choppy. I was able to reinstall the newest version of Direct x 9.0b and so that issue seems to be delt with.
However the fact that I can't get to my "C drive" or control panel is making things very hard, its as if the desktop element of accessing drive through " My Computer" icon in the Start Menu has lost its executable with the C drive......weird very very weird.
If anyone can give me advice about this it would be very very welcomed, and I'll owe someone out there some spiritual beer or coin



Entropy said:
Hi to all,

I loaded a game on my system that a friend burned for me and bang my
machine has been screwed up ever since( A painful lesson indeed). The
first and most painful problem I have been having is that I can't seem
to access my "C" drive through the Start Menu My Computer. What is
weird about this is that I can however access the "C Drive " through
other programs like Windows Media or Word and go to the various files
I have. But I can't use " My Computer or the Control Panel icon in My
Start Menu' evertime I try, the mouse icon show a busy signal then
after a few seconds it stops and then the system freezes/really slow.
I know for a fact that it was game my friend gave me that is causing
this problem and not a virus, the other side effect I got was that the
game loaded an older version of Direct X that was causing the graphics
to be choppy. I was able to reinstall the newest version of Direct x
9.0b and so that issue seems to be delt with. However the fact that I
can't get to my "C drive" or control panel is making things very hard,
its as if the desktop element of accessing drive through " My
Computer" icon in the Start Menu has lost its executable with the C
drive......weird very very weird. If anyone can give me advice about
this it would be very very welcomed, and I'll owe someone out there
some spiritual beer or coin.
This is the perfect time to use System Restore. Restore to a time before
you installed the game.



Well as your advice I did use the System Restore from an earlier date and with great sorrow I must say no change. My next tactic is to get a copy Of Norton utilities and give Win Doc a try.
However Malke, thanks for your advice, this is turning out to be somewhat of puzzle. Everything else seems to work on my system except 'My computer icon " on the start menu to acces the drive, every other program works and accesses the drive...this is nuts.


Entropy said:
Well as your advice I did use the System Restore from an earlier date
and with great sorrow I must say no change. My next tactic is to get a
copy Of Norton utilities and give Win Doc a try. However Malke, thanks
for your advice, this is turning out to be somewhat of puzzle.
Everything else seems to work on my system except 'My computer icon "
on the start menu to acces the drive, every other program works and
accesses the drive...this is nuts.

I'm so sorry, but I don't know why. Maybe if I saw your computer, but
since that's impossible... Check around on Kelly's excellent site. She
has tons of fixes for just about every glitch you could have. You
really need to spend some time there, but if anyone has a "cure-all",
she will:


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