


I have a scoresheet I am trying to compile for someone. I ran it through like
it was a real time match and these are the results. This is what I have right

In B5 I have 'Team #1'
And in C5 I have 'Team #2'

Team #1
(AA12:AB12) 150
(AA13:AB13) 30
(AA14:AB14) 20

Team #2
(AA24:AB24) 70
(AA25:AB25) 60
(AA26:AB26) -10
(AA27:AB27) 20
(AA28:AB28) 10

In AA16:AB16 I have the SUM of AA12:AB14
In AA30:AB30 I have the SUM of AA24:AB28

I need the results to appear like this

A38 B38 C38
1st place team Team #1 190

A39 B39 C39
2nd place team Team #2 150

Right now I have C38 as =MAXA(AA16, AA30)
And C39 as =MIN(AA16, AA30)

But in B38 I would like the text 'Team #1' to automatically appear when C38
has the higher amount. And in B39 I would also like the text 'Team #2' to
appear automatically when C39 has the lower amount.

Can anybody help me or is this just too hard?

Sandy Mann

Try: for B38:

=IF(AND(AA16<>"",AA30<>""),IF(MAX(AA16,AA30)=AA16,"Team #1","Team #2"),"")

For B39 try:

=IF(C38="","",IF(B38="Team #1","Team #2","Team #1"))


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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Thank you so much for your help!

But now I have yet another problem that has similar results.

I need the individual results too. So right now I have…

In A12 “Quizzer #1†and the results (points) of that quizzer in AA12.
In A13 “Quizzer #2†and the results of that quizzer in AA13.
In A14 “Quizzer #3†and the results of that quizzer in AA14
In A24 “Quizzer #4†and the results of that quizzer in AA24
In A25 “Quizzer #5†and the results of that quizzer in AA25
In A26 “Quizzer #6†and the results of that quizzer in AA26
In A 27 “Quizzer #7, and the results of that quizzer in AA27
In A28 “Quizzer #8†and the results of that quizzer in AA28


In C42 I have the following formula

In C43 I have

In C44 I have

And so on and so on. But I need the quizzer’s name (in text) with the
highest number of points to be displayed in B42. In other words…

42 Quizzer #4 145 points
43 Quizzer #2 70 points
44 Quizzer #7 55 points

And so on.

In other words, I have the C column figured out but I just need help with
the B column. Can anybody help me?

Sandy Mann

I assume that it may be possible for two Quizzers to have the same score so
you will have to ensure that no two score are exactly the same. The easiest
way of doing that is to enter in AB12:AB28, (or some other column if you are
already using that one), =AA12+ROW()/100000 and copy down to AB28 then hide
Column AB

B42 enter the formula:


Any tied scores will be listed in list order.

The results will list the Quizzers in nlist order untill enries are made in
AA12:AA28. If you want them to be blank untill all scores are entered the
enclose the formula in an IF() statement:



In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
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Sandy Mann

Sandy Mann said:
Any tied scores will be listed in list order.

Well my excuse is that I was being hassled by my wife to take her out
shopping. Shopping indeed!

No they won't! To get the tied scores in list order you will have to
SUBTRACT the ROW()/100000 not add it

=AA12-ROW()/100000 and copy down to AB28

In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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Okay, my computer just crashed so I had to adjust some things. Also my friend
said I need more quizzers on my sheet so I had to adjust some more things.

Here is another in-depth description of what I have so far.

12 Quizzer #1 110 [=SUM(B12:Z12)]
13 Quizzer #2 100 [=SUM(B13:Z13)]
14 Quizzer #3 90 [=SUM(B14:Z14)]
15 Quizzer #4 80 [=SUM(B15:Z15)]
16 Quizzer #5 70 [=SUM(B16:Z16)]

There is other text in A17:A25. There is the word ‘Total’ in A25

26 Quizzer #6 60 [=SUM(B26:Z26)]
27 Quizzer #7 50 [=SUM(B27:Z27)]
28 Quizzer #8 40 [=SUM(B28:Z28)]
29 Quizzer #9 30 [=SUM(B29:Z29)]
30 Quizzer #10 20 [=SUM(B30:Z30)]
31 Quizzer #11 10 [=SUM(B31:Z31)]

Text in A33. Otherwise none.

43 1st high scorer 110 [=MAX(AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31)]
44 2nd high scorer 100 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),2)]
45 3rd high scorer 90 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),3)]
46 4th high scorer 80 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),4)]
47 5th high scorer 70 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),5)]
48 6th high scorer 60 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),6)]
49 7th high scorer 50 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),7)]
50 8th high scorer 40 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),8)]

So right now my problem is to get B43:B50 to work. I need B43 to be the name
of the high scorer (Quizzer#1) and B44 to be name 2nd high scorer (Quizzer
#2) and so on. Can anybody help me or is this one too tricky?

Sandy Mann

From what I see allyou need to do is to adjust the ranges in the formulas
that I gave you.


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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damanwitdaplan said:
Okay, my computer just crashed so I had to adjust some things. Also my
said I need more quizzers on my sheet so I had to adjust some more things.

Here is another in-depth description of what I have so far.

12 Quizzer #1 110 [=SUM(B12:Z12)]
13 Quizzer #2 100 [=SUM(B13:Z13)]
14 Quizzer #3 90 [=SUM(B14:Z14)]
15 Quizzer #4 80 [=SUM(B15:Z15)]
16 Quizzer #5 70 [=SUM(B16:Z16)]

There is other text in A17:A25. There is the word 'Total' in A25

26 Quizzer #6 60 [=SUM(B26:Z26)]
27 Quizzer #7 50 [=SUM(B27:Z27)]
28 Quizzer #8 40 [=SUM(B28:Z28)]
29 Quizzer #9 30 [=SUM(B29:Z29)]
30 Quizzer #10 20 [=SUM(B30:Z30)]
31 Quizzer #11 10 [=SUM(B31:Z31)]

Text in A33. Otherwise none.

43 1st high scorer 110 [=MAX(AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31)]
44 2nd high scorer 100 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),2)]
45 3rd high scorer 90 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),3)]
46 4th high scorer 80 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),4)]
47 5th high scorer 70 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),5)]
48 6th high scorer 60 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),6)]
49 7th high scorer 50 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),7)]
50 8th high scorer 40 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),8)]

So right now my problem is to get B43:B50 to work. I need B43 to be the
of the high scorer (Quizzer#1) and B44 to be name 2nd high scorer (Quizzer
#2) and so on. Can anybody help me or is this one too tricky?

Sandy Mann said:
Well my excuse is that I was being hassled by my wife to take her out
shopping. Shopping indeed!

No they won't! To get the tied scores in list order you will have to
SUBTRACT the ROW()/100000 not add it

=AA12-ROW()/100000 and copy down to AB28

In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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I keep getting either #VALUE! or #NUM! in B43:B51 when I put in
=INDEX($A$12:$A$28,MATCH(LARGE($AB$12:$AB$28,ROW()-11),$AB$12:$AB$28,0)). I'm
confused as to where the ranges are in the formula. Any help would be greatly

Sandy Mann said:
From what I see allyou need to do is to adjust the ranges in the formulas
that I gave you.


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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damanwitdaplan said:
Okay, my computer just crashed so I had to adjust some things. Also my
said I need more quizzers on my sheet so I had to adjust some more things.

Here is another in-depth description of what I have so far.

12 Quizzer #1 110 [=SUM(B12:Z12)]
13 Quizzer #2 100 [=SUM(B13:Z13)]
14 Quizzer #3 90 [=SUM(B14:Z14)]
15 Quizzer #4 80 [=SUM(B15:Z15)]
16 Quizzer #5 70 [=SUM(B16:Z16)]

There is other text in A17:A25. There is the word 'Total' in A25

26 Quizzer #6 60 [=SUM(B26:Z26)]
27 Quizzer #7 50 [=SUM(B27:Z27)]
28 Quizzer #8 40 [=SUM(B28:Z28)]
29 Quizzer #9 30 [=SUM(B29:Z29)]
30 Quizzer #10 20 [=SUM(B30:Z30)]
31 Quizzer #11 10 [=SUM(B31:Z31)]

Text in A33. Otherwise none.

43 1st high scorer 110 [=MAX(AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31)]
44 2nd high scorer 100 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),2)]
45 3rd high scorer 90 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),3)]
46 4th high scorer 80 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),4)]
47 5th high scorer 70 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),5)]
48 6th high scorer 60 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),6)]
49 7th high scorer 50 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),7)]
50 8th high scorer 40 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),8)]

So right now my problem is to get B43:B50 to work. I need B43 to be the
of the high scorer (Quizzer#1) and B44 to be name 2nd high scorer (Quizzer
#2) and so on. Can anybody help me or is this one too tricky?

Sandy Mann said:
Any tied scores will be listed in list order.

Well my excuse is that I was being hassled by my wife to take her out
shopping. Shopping indeed!

No they won't! To get the tied scores in list order you will have to
SUBTRACT the ROW()/100000 not add it

=AA12-ROW()/100000 and copy down to AB28

In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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I assume that it may be possible for two Quizzers to have the same score
you will have to ensure that no two score are exactly the same. The
easiest way of doing that is to enter in AB12:AB28, (or some other
if you are already using that one), =AA12+ROW()/100000 and copy down to
AB28 then hide Column AB

B42 enter the formula:


Any tied scores will be listed in list order.

The results will list the Quizzers in nlist order untill enries are
in AA12:AA28. If you want them to be blank untill all scores are
the enclose the formula in an IF() statement:



In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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message Thank you so much for your help!

But now I have yet another problem that has similar results.

I need the individual results too. So right now I have.

In A12 "Quizzer #1" and the results (points) of that quizzer in AA12.
In A13 "Quizzer #2" and the results of that quizzer in AA13.
In A14 "Quizzer #3" and the results of that quizzer in AA14
In A24 "Quizzer #4" and the results of that quizzer in AA24
In A25 "Quizzer #5" and the results of that quizzer in AA25
In A26 "Quizzer #6" and the results of that quizzer in AA26
In A 27 "Quizzer #7, and the results of that quizzer in AA27
In A28 "Quizzer #8" and the results of that quizzer in AA28


In C42 I have the following formula

In C43 I have

In C44 I have

And so on and so on. But I need the quizzer's name (in text) with the
highest number of points to be displayed in B42. In other words.

42 Quizzer #4 145 points
43 Quizzer #2 70 points
44 Quizzer #7 55 points

And so on.

In other words, I have the C column figured out but I just need help
the B column. Can anybody help me?

Sandy Mann

Sorry I failed to notice that you now had a gap in your data. What I
suggest is that you construct a complete set of data as follows:

In cell AB12 enter =AA12-ROW()/1000 as before but this time copy it down to
only AB16
In cell AB17 enter =AA26-ROW()/1000 and copy down to AB22

Now do the same sort of thing with the names in Column A

So in AC12 enter =A12 and copy down to AC16
in AC17 enter =A26 and copy down to AC22

After that you can hide both columns AB & AC

Now in B43 use the formula:


and copy down to B50


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and the crowning place of kings

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damanwitdaplan said:
I keep getting either #VALUE! or #NUM! in B43:B51 when I put in
confused as to where the ranges are in the formula. Any help would be

Sandy Mann said:
From what I see allyou need to do is to adjust the ranges in the formulas
that I gave you.


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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Okay, my computer just crashed so I had to adjust some things. Also my
said I need more quizzers on my sheet so I had to adjust some more

Here is another in-depth description of what I have so far.

12 Quizzer #1 110 [=SUM(B12:Z12)]
13 Quizzer #2 100 [=SUM(B13:Z13)]
14 Quizzer #3 90 [=SUM(B14:Z14)]
15 Quizzer #4 80 [=SUM(B15:Z15)]
16 Quizzer #5 70 [=SUM(B16:Z16)]

There is other text in A17:A25. There is the word 'Total' in A25

26 Quizzer #6 60 [=SUM(B26:Z26)]
27 Quizzer #7 50 [=SUM(B27:Z27)]
28 Quizzer #8 40 [=SUM(B28:Z28)]
29 Quizzer #9 30 [=SUM(B29:Z29)]
30 Quizzer #10 20 [=SUM(B30:Z30)]
31 Quizzer #11 10 [=SUM(B31:Z31)]

Text in A33. Otherwise none.

43 1st high scorer 110 [=MAX(AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31)]
44 2nd high scorer 100 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),2)]
45 3rd high scorer 90 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),3)]
46 4th high scorer 80 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),4)]
47 5th high scorer 70 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),5)]
48 6th high scorer 60 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),6)]
49 7th high scorer 50 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),7)]
50 8th high scorer 40 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),8)]

So right now my problem is to get B43:B50 to work. I need B43 to be the
of the high scorer (Quizzer#1) and B44 to be name 2nd high scorer
#2) and so on. Can anybody help me or is this one too tricky?


Any tied scores will be listed in list order.

Well my excuse is that I was being hassled by my wife to take her out
shopping. Shopping indeed!

No they won't! To get the tied scores in list order you will have to
SUBTRACT the ROW()/100000 not add it

=AA12-ROW()/1000 and copy down to AB28

In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
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I assume that it may be possible for two Quizzers to have the same
you will have to ensure that no two score are exactly the same. The
easiest way of doing that is to enter in AB12:AB28, (or some other
if you are already using that one), =AA12+ROW()/100000 and copy down
AB28 then hide Column AB

B42 enter the formula:


Any tied scores will be listed in list order.

The results will list the Quizzers in nlist order untill enries are
in AA12:AA28. If you want them to be blank untill all scores are
the enclose the formula in an IF() statement:



In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
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message Thank you so much for your help!

But now I have yet another problem that has similar results.

I need the individual results too. So right now I have.

In A12 "Quizzer #1" and the results (points) of that quizzer in
In A13 "Quizzer #2" and the results of that quizzer in AA13.
In A14 "Quizzer #3" and the results of that quizzer in AA14
In A24 "Quizzer #4" and the results of that quizzer in AA24
In A25 "Quizzer #5" and the results of that quizzer in AA25
In A26 "Quizzer #6" and the results of that quizzer in AA26
In A 27 "Quizzer #7, and the results of that quizzer in AA27
In A28 "Quizzer #8" and the results of that quizzer in AA28


In C42 I have the following formula

In C43 I have

In C44 I have

And so on and so on. But I need the quizzer's name (in text) with
highest number of points to be displayed in B42. In other words.

42 Quizzer #4 145 points
43 Quizzer #2 70 points
44 Quizzer #7 55 points

And so on.

In other words, I have the C column figured out but I just need
the B column. Can anybody help me?


Wow! That worked much better.

But for some reason in cell B49 I get #REF! and in cell B50 I get the 7th
high scorer. If I change anything the #REF! symbol moves up and down the
results. I think the problem is in AB22 because that is the only one of the
cells that has a decimal. (9.97).

I followed your instructions of only copying =AA12-ROW()/1000 down to AB16.

Thanks again for your help!

Sandy Mann said:
Sorry I failed to notice that you now had a gap in your data. What I
suggest is that you construct a complete set of data as follows:

In cell AB12 enter =AA12-ROW()/1000 as before but this time copy it down to
only AB16
In cell AB17 enter =AA26-ROW()/1000 and copy down to AB22

Now do the same sort of thing with the names in Column A

So in AC12 enter =A12 and copy down to AC16
in AC17 enter =A26 and copy down to AC22

After that you can hide both columns AB & AC

Now in B43 use the formula:


and copy down to B50


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
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damanwitdaplan said:
I keep getting either #VALUE! or #NUM! in B43:B51 when I put in
confused as to where the ranges are in the formula. Any help would be

Sandy Mann said:
From what I see allyou need to do is to adjust the ranges in the formulas
that I gave you.


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
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Okay, my computer just crashed so I had to adjust some things. Also my
said I need more quizzers on my sheet so I had to adjust some more

Here is another in-depth description of what I have so far.

12 Quizzer #1 110 [=SUM(B12:Z12)]
13 Quizzer #2 100 [=SUM(B13:Z13)]
14 Quizzer #3 90 [=SUM(B14:Z14)]
15 Quizzer #4 80 [=SUM(B15:Z15)]
16 Quizzer #5 70 [=SUM(B16:Z16)]

There is other text in A17:A25. There is the word 'Total' in A25

26 Quizzer #6 60 [=SUM(B26:Z26)]
27 Quizzer #7 50 [=SUM(B27:Z27)]
28 Quizzer #8 40 [=SUM(B28:Z28)]
29 Quizzer #9 30 [=SUM(B29:Z29)]
30 Quizzer #10 20 [=SUM(B30:Z30)]
31 Quizzer #11 10 [=SUM(B31:Z31)]

Text in A33. Otherwise none.

43 1st high scorer 110 [=MAX(AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31)]
44 2nd high scorer 100 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),2)]
45 3rd high scorer 90 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),3)]
46 4th high scorer 80 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),4)]
47 5th high scorer 70 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),5)]
48 6th high scorer 60 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),6)]
49 7th high scorer 50 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),7)]
50 8th high scorer 40 [=LARGE((AA12:AA16,AA26:AA31),8)]

So right now my problem is to get B43:B50 to work. I need B43 to be the
of the high scorer (Quizzer#1) and B44 to be name 2nd high scorer
#2) and so on. Can anybody help me or is this one too tricky?


Any tied scores will be listed in list order.

Well my excuse is that I was being hassled by my wife to take her out
shopping. Shopping indeed!

No they won't! To get the tied scores in list order you will have to
SUBTRACT the ROW()/100000 not add it

=AA12-ROW()/1000 and copy down to AB28

In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
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I assume that it may be possible for two Quizzers to have the same
you will have to ensure that no two score are exactly the same. The
easiest way of doing that is to enter in AB12:AB28, (or some other
if you are already using that one), =AA12+ROW()/100000 and copy down
AB28 then hide Column AB

B42 enter the formula:


Any tied scores will be listed in list order.

The results will list the Quizzers in nlist order untill enries are
in AA12:AA28. If you want them to be blank untill all scores are
the enclose the formula in an IF() statement:



In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
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message Thank you so much for your help!

But now I have yet another problem that has similar results.

I need the individual results too. So right now I have.

In A12 "Quizzer #1" and the results (points) of that quizzer in
In A13 "Quizzer #2" and the results of that quizzer in AA13.
In A14 "Quizzer #3" and the results of that quizzer in AA14
In A24 "Quizzer #4" and the results of that quizzer in AA24
In A25 "Quizzer #5" and the results of that quizzer in AA25
In A26 "Quizzer #6" and the results of that quizzer in AA26
In A 27 "Quizzer #7, and the results of that quizzer in AA27
In A28 "Quizzer #8" and the results of that quizzer in AA28


In C42 I have the following formula

In C43 I have

In C44 I have

And so on and so on. But I need the quizzer's name (in text) with
highest number of points to be displayed in B42. In other words.

42 Quizzer #4 145 points
43 Quizzer #2 70 points
44 Quizzer #7 55 points

And so on.

In other words, I have the C column figured out but I just need
the B column. Can anybody help me?

Sandy Mann

results. I think the problem is in AB22 because that is the only one of
cells that has a decimal. (9.97).

This has me puzzled, they all should have decimals in that column

I see also that I had a wrong reference typo in the formula in cell B43 but
that should not have created a problem if you had no data below AB22

Anway follow me through with this:

In a new sheet I entered a to e in cells A12:A16 to represent the first 5
Then similarly I entered f to k in A26:A31 for the next 6 names

In AA12:AA16 I entered "Scores" of 5, 2, 3, 4 ,5 & in AA26:AA31 6, 5, 8, 9,
10 & 11

AB12 had the formula:

and in AC12 the formula:

I highlighted both and copied down using the fill handle to Row 16

Next in AB17 I entered the formula:

and in AB17 the formula:

These two formulas were copied down to Row 31 as above

Finally in B43 I entered (the now corrected formula):

and copied it down to Row B53

This resulted in a list of names in B43:B54 of:

B43 > k
B44 > j
B45 > i
B46 > h
B47 > f
B48 > a
B49 > e
B50 > g
B51 > d
B52 > c
B53 > b

If you still can't get it to work send me you spreadsheet by correcting my
address as it says in my signature and I will take a look


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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I fixed it. I copied the formula and accidentally added a $ sign

Thank you Sandy Mann so much for your help!

Sandy Mann

You're welcome, thaanks for the feedback.


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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Ahh man. Just when you thought you were done.

Turns out that 'Team #1' is fine. However my friend now needs 'Team #2' in
the formula to be the text in I20.

Is there anyway we can edit those 2 formulas so that instead of 'Team #2' it
is whatever is typed into I20?

Sandy Mann

Yes, you should be able to just substitute the cell reference for the Team

=IF(AND(AA16<>"",AA30<>""),IF(MAX(AA16,AA30)=AA16,"Team #1",I20),"")

=IF(C38="","",IF(B38="Team #1",I20,"Team #1"))

If you also enter the name of Team#1 in a cell - say I21 the you can use
both references:




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Sandy Mann

Glad you got it all working.


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Since we are doing so good...

I need just one more thing.

I have a drop-down box in B12:16, B26:31. I need to make sure that the data
in B12:16, B26:31 doesn't repeat. In other words, if I click on B13 and
select '20' B12, B14:B16 B26:31 can't say '20' either.

Sandy Mann

I can't stop the duplicate from being inserted but how about Conditional
formatting to highlight the fact?
I have a drop-down box in B12:16, B26:31

I assume that the drop-down boxes have a common list that they are picking
from - say for the sake of my example C12:C22

Highlight cells B26:B31 then press and hold Ctrl while you select B12:B16.

This will select all the required cells and leave B12 as the active cell.

Now select Format > Conditional formatting and then "Formula is" from the
left-hand dropdown box then enter:


and select the pattern formatting that you want to highlight the fact that
you have a duplicate - say Red

Note that if you enter the B12 by clicking into the cell it will be entered
as an absolute, ( like $A$12 ), you can alter this by immediately repeatedly
pressing the function key f4 until it removes the $'s. The $C$12:$C$22 must
be entered as an absolute reference.


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed) with


The red is just what I needed. The formula you gave me works good for B12:16.
But when I enter say '10' in B13 and then I enter '10' in B26 there is no
'red'. But then when I add another '10' in say B15 then all 3 turn red. Is
there anyway that can change so that if I put in '10' in B12:16 and then put
'10' in B26:31 that they will both turn red?